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BUTCH a 3 yr Basset Hound/Rhodesian Ridgeback is trained, calm. loving, housetrained great with kids family dog was abandoned at the Utah shelter by his family because they were moving. He loves other dogs and is quiet, rides great in car, calm in house. Thanks Venus for fostering him for us. They don't come any more loving, and perfect. He just loves everyone. Yeah he is adopted! (Thanks Heather for adopting him and telling us how much your family loves him. CLick Pic to read his story)
2 BICHONS IN VENTURA COUNTY WHO’S OWNER DIED NEEDED A NEW LOVING HOME: From LA Bichons & Buddies:YEAH THEY ARE ADOPTED IN SF BAY AREA. THANK YOU ELIZABETH from Sweden but now buying a home in SF. Elizabeth adopted another Bichon who loves Puma and Cheeka, she has bought their tags, collars, leashes, the ingredients for their hypoallergenic diet that has grown their hair back beautifully and will take excellent care of them for the rest of their lives. (Click their pic to see more pics and story) Thanks, Jeanine, Gina, Lorna, Louis, Lily and Debra from Pom Rescue for making this possible. They sure have come a long way.
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MIA is going to
a Group Obedience Class to learn more and learn to
listen to her mom. She will live safely in the
house, sleep in bed with mom and love her new mom.
Thanks Irene for
taking her into your home. Grand Junction, CO is
such a great dog town!! They ride with their owners
in the car all over.
Hyldy was one of 8 Rotti/SHepherd puppies we saved from going to the shelter in 2000. Her retired parents Dr. Grossman and Kathy attended our 7 week puppy training and socialization class in SLC, and then continued with agility training and it shouws. Wow, what a well behaved and loved beauty she is. We hope that they will adopt Coco and give her the same wonderful home. Hyldy is a sister of Chance that performed two summers in a row in our Kids Club. ANd their sister that Whitepine Animal Clinic in Park City doctor adopted too. What a wonderful home she got, one that loves, takes her everywhere, trains her and keeps her in the house with them and is so well socialized. |
EBONY has been tested, wormed and vaccinated two times, neutered and given health certificates, litter trained, socialized with cats, and small dogs, people and held a lot. INDOOR ONLY/MUST BE HOMEOWNERS/NO CHILDREN UNDER 10 PLEASE. CLICK ON Tiggerbaby's PICTURE TO SEE INDIVIDUAL PICTURES OF KITTENS! Thank you Janelle for offering to foster them for us! Janelle does rescue, boarding and care for the dogs in her county in Wyoming so the dog owners don't have to drive to SLC! Thanks Janelle for adopting them permanently into your family.
is a Longhaired Chihuahua/Papillon that loves
everyone and even other dogs. Thanks to Kim in San
Diego, she was rescued from the Orange County
Shelter and is enjoying her foster family very
much. From her wonderful foster mom:
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"Rowan( my 9 yr
old daughter) and I were up late last night
cleaning the house. It was funny TIGGERETTE IS ADOPTED
"We are very
excited about Tiggerette's arrival. We got her a
very cool litter box called the Booda Hut, it's
twice the size of a regular litter box with
total privacy and little steps that go up
inside. We also ordered her a very nice bed that
provides her privacy as well. We are both
waiting to welcome her home!
"Rowan( my 9 yr
old daughter) and I were up late last night
cleaning the house. It was funny TIGGERETTE IS ADOPTED
"We are very
excited about Tiggerette's arrival. We got her a
very cool litter box called the Booda Hut, it's
twice the size of a regular litter box with
total privacy and little steps that go up
inside. We also ordered her a very nice bed that
provides her privacy as well. We are both
waiting to welcome her home!
MOKI AND JAZZ TWO PUREBRED Special Needs FEMALE PEKINGESE RELEASED FROM PUPPYMILLER AND CARED FOR BY VETERINARIAN FOR 8 MONTHS, MUST BE ADOPTED TOGETHER BY ADULT VERY CALM AND LOVING ONLY HOME, THEY ARE GENTLE LOVING TRUSTING, HOUSETRAINED, GORGEOUS LONGHAIRED LITTLE ANGELS, They are so playful, so perfectly behaved, 4 yrs old and neither ever pregnant. Both fixed, vaccs, Heartworm Negative and Chipped. THEY MUST SLEEP WITH YOU IN YOUR BED AND BE GENTLY CARRIED AND HELD. Moki like so many purebred Pekingese has Epilepsy and takes medication twice a day. She reminds Denise so much of her Dearly Departed Loving Littleman. She kisses just like him and is so trusting and loving. She curls up inside your arms and falls asleep with her little sister Jazz. They are very special. Thank you Dr. Tolliver for saving them and taking such exceptional care of them. They are beautifully groomed and need to continue to be brushed gently daily so that they don't have to go through stress of going to a groomer.
BRITTANY a 4 yr old Purebred Brittany Spanial Female that loves everyone and is housetrained was abondoned by her owners because they are moving from Utah to an apt. in CA. Thank you Ann and Bob for taking her to the groomers and picking her up from the Humane Society for us and giving her the best loving foster home. (pics coming) Thanks Rebecca. Thank Jeff and family in Park City for offering to take her in until a permanent home can be found. She will have fun with your 5 mos old Springer. They are looking for a Springer Spanial puppy to adopt. Brittany is at the Brittany Rescue of America in Nevada helen@wildmtnbrits.com and will do a home visit and transport to her new home. She will also be listed at www.americanbrittany.org or call 775-448-9900. Thank you Jim for driving her for us and Helen for training, caring for and placing her. Jim you are always there to drive the dogs out of Utah. thanks for over 10 years of dedication.
a 5 year old purebred female Shih Tzu is very well
housetrained, loving with her owner and people she
knows, a little princess, who loves to be with
one little male dog that she knows and loves to run
and wrestle with him, but will growl at other dogs
at first, and needs an experienced Shih Tzu
mom that will protect her from them.
![]() ![]() ![]() ROCKY 12 mos. Labrador Retriever mix was bought from a backyard breeder with an "AKC" Black Lab who does not know there are dozens of these puppies dying in the shelter every week. The young man got married and could not take Rocky with him. His mother loves the dog who loves everyone but her condo is too small and she is disabled. She is borrowing our large carrier and crate training Rocky with chew bones in the house so he doesn't run out of the yard anymore, putting weight on him with Nutra Nuggets and loving him until he finds a new family. He lays by her side when she comes home from work. He knows how to sit and stay as you can see this handsome boy! Thanks William for bringing him into your home at Scripps Ranch, CA.
Hi Denise,
Rocky's doing
really well. I'm having some issues with my old
digi camera so the pictures I promised you are
going to be delayed. I will try to snap
some photos with my camcorder. The cats are
starting to come around to him now. He loves all
his new toys and his bed. He is so well behaved
it's incredible.
Thanks again for
everything you have done!
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![]() ROCKY 1 YR. purebred Mini Dachshund N.M. is housetrained, great with other dogs, safe with kids, but we prefer a home with no young children and experience with Dachshunds. Thanks Capryce for adopting him with your little ZUZU Dapple girl. They will play for hours. (CLick Rocky's picture to read his happy story and more about Dachshunds.) |
![]() ROCKY 1 YR. purebred Mini Dachshund N.M. is housetrained, great with other dogs, safe with kids, but we prefer a home with no young children and experience with Dachshunds. Thanks Capryce for adopting him with your little ZUZU Dapple girl. They will play for hours. (CLick Rocky's picture to read his happy story and more about Dachshunds.) |
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JACK is a 1 yr. old PUrebred Schipperke with one eye, lots of energy, lots of love who needs a special one dog only home with an experienced Schipperke at home owner. He has had injury to his other eye, and after his foster mom paid $1,800 he is better. He needs training and a lot of activity. Agility or tricks would be great. He needs a very loving and responsible special home. He found an experienced Schipperke home in California!
Denise, "Thank you so much for all that you do. Yours is the finest organization dedicated to animal rescue that I’ve ever seen. You have certainly blessed us with the most wonderful dog, our Buddah. I wanted to send you the pics (Click here to see all the Bassett Puppies www.saveadogandkids.org/bassettnewhomes.htm), but also was going to ask about another dog. We really want to get a companion for Buddah, not because he is lonely (someone is home just about all the time!), but he is just so social. He has a friend that comes over to play and at the puppy class he was just so wonderful with all the other dogs, both large and small! When we first started thinking about the idea, I immediately went to your site to see what other loves you had. That little Michael Jordan is just so very precious!! I’m sorry that his trip to California did not work out. We were looking for someone that is similar in size or smaller than Buddah and his face just keeps coming to mind." Sharon Yeah Michael Jordan will have the best family and brother to play, sleep, go to class and cuddle with.
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5 yr F German Shorthair is great with kids, other dogs and was
abandonned by her hunting owner. She is a good bird dog.
But we would like to find her an indoor loving family home.
Sweet with small children, crate training, spayed female German
shorthair family found 6 mos ago and never found owners. They
can't keep this dog, but would love to find a loving indoor home
family to take her into their home permanently. .
She is adopted by
family who found her:
I must start out with thanking you for all your work for Lady
LUNA 5 wk PUrebred DEAF Border Collie was saved with her mother and litter by Border Collie Trainer Shauna. She is the only Deaf one in the litter, learning crate training with her mom and littermates, to pay attention to trainer to ready her for hand signal training, and will be socialized, trained, fixed, vaccinated until we can find an experienced DEAF Border Collie home we can deliver her to that will continue her HAnd SIgnal traning. ( more pics coming) She is adjusting well, confident and smart. Thanks Idaho Deaf Border Collie Rescue for taking Luna into your program.