Another JRT needs a home, we will keep you posted, please fill out the questionnaire and be ready.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you so very much, Gina R. To whom it may concern, We are a young couple living in The Southern Highlands of Las Vegasn,
NV. Our phone is (702) 407-1613 and you may call anytime. We do
not own our home but already have a 14 month old male Jack Russell named
Ford that would really enjoy having a little sister to play with. We
have no children and a big back yard with 6' fences. We have gone
thru obedience training with our Ford and would be willing to do it again
with Pixi if nessasary. Ford stay in the house when we are
gone. He has a dog door with access to the yard and our big bed to
sleep on. He is confined to the bottom floor of our 1800 sqft house
when we are gone. Ford is create trained but ussually spends time in
his create when we take him to events. Ford is a racer. We
have entered him in a number of JRTCA events. Since he was 3 months
old he has been an everyday visitor of the local dog park and has made
many friends.
From another rescue: This woman adopted a dog, Tobie, from us a year ago. When asked on the application and in person whether she had ever surrendered a pet before, she replied in the negative. It has since come to our attention that she HAD surrendered before...not ONE dog, but TWO!! She had previously had 2 Jack Russell Terriers and 'got rid of them' when her twin sons were born because they (the dogs) were "too much to handle."
TOBY II 10 mos Jack Russell Terrier is crate training
beautifully, he loves everyone and every dog he meets. He is smart and high
energy and needs a JRT experienced home that will enroll him in agility,
training, and lots of exercise. Needs an escape proof fenced yard. This
little JRT was found running on a busy street 12-01-03 and had no collar. We
gave him a Christmas one and called the Animal Shelter to see if his owners had
called in. They came to pick him up and will keep us posted. The owners never
came for him after a week. So they released him to us to be adopted. He is fixed, vaccinated and
microchipped and ready to fly to his new home before the Holidays. Thank
You Laurie with Flyball Dogs for fostering him. Laurie says he will be a
great FlyBall Dog. Yeah we found Toby II the best JRT experienced home: Thanks
Rebecca and Matt. Wow is he going to have
fun going to these games!
Great news to report. Buster and Toby II are getting along great!! We've decided to rename him Delta in honor of yesterday's journey. He did great on the plane, sleeping most of the time. I've attached a bunch of pics taken last night and this morning. Things couldn't be better here and we'd like to thank you again for making it all possible! If there is ever anything we can help you with in the future, please don't hesitate to ask.
Matt, Rebecca, Buster and Delta (Toby II)
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Rebecca R. of Denver,
FLY BALL IS GREAT FOR ACTIVE DOGS WITH LOTS OF ENERGY THAT HAVE SOME TRAINING: BORDER COLLIES, JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS, FOX TERRIERS, BEARDED COLLIES, AUSSIES, LABS AND MORE. HAVE SOME FUN WITH YOUR DOG: Our Veterinarian told us that the mixed breeds are actually more physically sound to get less injuries than the purebreeds.
Flyball demonstrations available in Utah: (FIND A FLYBALL TEAM IN YOUR AREA, THEY COMPETE NATIONALLY BUT ANYONE WITH A HIGH ENERGY BALL DRIVEN DOG CAN ENJOY THIS: SLC SALTY DOGZZ, (CONGRATS TO ALL TEAMS IN VEGAS /TAIL BLAZERS GOT 1st & 2ND), call Debbie at 801-553-0408, Gosia at 801-243-0658, Denise at 801-879-8997, or Laurie with Thunderpaws at 801-568-6813).
If this sounds interesting to you, or for more information, check out these sites:
DB COOPER, 2 yr old Jack Russell/Pekingese mix little boy, has performed all summer 2002 with the Kids Club, jumping his chairs, hoops, into Elizabeth's lap, and skateboarding. This summer 2003 he learned to jump rope with 9 yr old twins Amanda and Holly in New York State to continue his repertoire of tricks. He needs to go to a mature adult with no boys, willing to keep training and socializing him with new people, kids and dogs, and who loves to continue his trick training and performing with our Kids Club or agility. He is very active and needs to do his tricks and learn more since he is so smart, but he needs to be very careful not to jump too high to injure his bowed little legs. He is tiny, but very adorable. He loves to ride in the car, go on trips, he tried walking into the lake with the other dogs last summer and he follows all the other dogs at the little dog park. Thank you Cindy for fostering him during the Holidays with Lucy your fly ball dog and considering adopting him, sorry that he is too small and his legs can't do FLyball.
DB' Foster Sister Lucie is a Flyball Teammember, She is a purebred Jack Russell Terrier, Thank you Cindy for fostering DB for us and inviting us to watch you and Lucie practice Flyball with the Tail Blazers.
Remember this breed was bred to chase foxes in fox holes, and they run away everyday like this one if not trained properly and secured in a fenced yard they cannot dig out of. The majority of JRTs are hit by cars. Lots of training necessary and they learn very quickly. They are great for Agility, Fly Ball and Tricks! They also have a tendency to attack other dogs if Alpha if not socialized with new dogs their first year. These are not simple family pets and won't do well in apartments of mellow lifestyles, not good with cats, small animals, and small children; and need lots of training and activity. Here is a typical ad you will see all over US for lost Jack Russells: (they are not "a pet" for most households!!!
"Hello my name is Tim Cook. I am hoping you will be able to help us with finding our Jack Russell Terrier Jack a home. Please read below and let me know what you think.
Jack is our purebred Jack Russell Terrier, and we have had him since February of 2009. He is neutered, and about 3 years old now (but we are not certain of his exact age).
Here is his story:
My fiancé Jenny's Mom rescued Jack from the pound in the summer of 2008. He was covered in ticks and had spotty hair. She nurtured him back to health and was living with her and her other Jack Russell and a parrot. In February of 2009 Jack knocked over the parrot's cage and killed the bird. Jenny's mom was devastated, so she put him in the garage because she did not know how to deal with him. The next day Jack ate the seat off of her Harley Davidson. Jenny's mom was so upset with him and felt like she could not train him, so she decided not to keep him.
Jenny's mom confronted us to see if we would like to take Jack, and we decided our lifestyle would be best for him. We are both young, have no kids and had time to train him. We crate trained him and taught him standard obedience, which had never been enforced before.
He was doing well in our lives but he had triggers that we did not understand. He would try to attack bikes while they were in motion and sometimes would growl at strangers when they came down to pet him.
In May of 2009 Jenny and I moved into a new neighborhood which has a lot of children. Jack got along well with the kids, but we would have to put him inside when they were riding bikes.
In September of 2009 Jack was outside with me on the ped-way by our house. There was an elderly man walking with his wife, and Jack went over to them like he wanted to be petted, Jack then attacked the back of the old mans leg. We had to keep Jack in a 14 day quarantine in our home. When we took Jack to the veterinarian to get his rabies records for the old man our Vet said "he did it once he will do it again" and recommended we put him down immediately. We called around to different rescue places and no one would take him because he has bitten in the past.
We decided not to put him down and instead get a private in-home trainer. Our trainer was Yashar and his website is www.mydoggieden.com . We had two sessions with Yashar and he taught us how to control the dog, and taught us how to train the dog. Jack became a different dog. He started to behave better, listen to what we said, and stopped growling at visitors. Everyone has been very impressed on how well he listens and how obedient he is.
Jack had not bitten or growled at anyone since the trainer. In early March of 2010 we took Jack outside on his leash, and the five-year-old neighbor kid (whom Jack is very familiar with) was riding his bike. Jack had never barked at the child while he was riding his bike before, but on this day he lunged at the child while he rode past, and bit his foot on the pedal. Jack's teeth went through the child's shoe. No blood was drawn but the foot was very bruised with two teeth marks on his foot. The child also fell of his bike when Jack bit him.
We contacted our Dog Trainer, Yashar, again and he said we should find him a new home who does not have the busy social lifestyle we have.
We have no choice but to get rid Jack by finding a new home who understands he has bitten people in the past. Our very LAST option would be to put him down. We love this dog so much, but we are planning on having children in the future and we have lots of children on our street. Jack is a high energy dog when awake, but he sleeps most of the day. He is very prey driven and loves to dig for rabbits in open fields and run after birds. Jack Russells were bred to hunt rabbits, and he would be a great dog for someone who let him expend his energy.
If someone does want Jack we will need to make sure that they know how to control Jack so he does not revert back to his old self. We will also require the person to sign paperwork that says they are knowingly taking a dog who is a known biter and agree to hold us harmless in the case of Jack biting someone again.
We want Jack to find a loving home with someone who will be consistent with him, because he needs structure in his life and needs to know his boundaries. We are willing to meet with whoever may think they want to adopt Jack. This is a very hard time for us, because we love him so much.
He would do great on a ranch, or living in someone's home who does not have children and would love to have a lovable companion. Jack is a super smart dog and learns very quickly. Jack Loves riding in cars. Please contact us if you or someone you know may be interested in Jack. We are not looking for money, but just to find him a suitable home. Thank you for your time.
Best regards,"
Tim Cook
patsy LOST JULY 2, 2006 |
Jack Russell Terrier Small (0 - 20 lbs) White Female |
Last seen in: |
valley, California dog was only a few houses down from own yard and was taken by two young men. One of the young men decided to keep the dog and by the time the police tracked him down he claims he lost the dog when it disappeared from the back of his truck when he left it alone to go into a "Ross" store in Simi Valley. More Info: http://dogdetective.com/dogs/924669.html |
"6 Month old male Jack Russell Terrier. White with black and brown markings. Black collar. Got out of the house at 38th and Zenobia during the big snowstorm 10 days ago or so. Owner heartbroken. REWARD. Please call 720.470.0180, 720.422.7089, or 720.436.2922."
Thank you Marjorie of Northern California Jack Russell Terrier Rescue that has placed over 600 JRT's to experienced JRT homes. The Bay Area ASPCA's don't try to place this breed themselves, they send them all to the expert: Marjorie trains each rescued JRT the "recall" to come when called and not run away. She really knows JRT's and can place them in great homes in California that have special fencing they can't dig out of, and in experienced JRT homes.. Please link to her site to see Brigitte's pictures, thanks Marjorie for placing our little Brigitte that had a tendency to attack other dogs that she felt superior to and to always try to get out of yards.
We do not generally adopt to those having small children. The nature
the breeds that we work with (Fox Terriers and JRT's) does not make them
ideal dogs for young children as they are not tolerant of the inadvertent
rough handling that frequently accompanies youngsters and when they do
use their teeth (which they do readily) they tend to bite hard. The
occasional Great Dane that we assist California Great Dane Club Rescue in
placing we also prefer that the children be older due to the size of the
dogs in relation to the children. Not that the dogs are "bad" but that
they are huge and not always respectful of "personal space". While we
prefer that if there are other pets in the family that they also be
spayed or neutered, we haven't quite reached the point of requiring the
people to not be in a " potential reproductive" state <G>.
Our advise for young families is that they wait until their youngest
child is at least 6 years of age to get a terrier, because "kids will be
kids and dogs will be dogs" and the combination of kids and a highly
"reactive" breed such as a Fox Terrier or a Jack Russell is not always a
good one. We also have a file of "give up letters" with quotes such as
"I didn't realize how hard my 4 year old would be on the dog" or "I
didn't know how hard the dog would be on my child" and "I wish my husband
had done his homework before he bought a puppy" that we can show to
families. We do occasionally get an older dog that has been around
children and that is the direction we prefer to see people with young
children go. Older dog, less reactive breed (we refer them to Beagle
Rescue frequently because of size and temperament), bigger dog (we send
them to Lab and Golden Rescue as good family dogs and trust these rescues
to screen appropriately) Families with breed specific experience are
another story and we deal with every potential adopter on a case by case
We have adopted to any number of families with children, but we screen
them carefully and the behavior of the children is a critical element in
the determination of whether or not they get a dog from us.
Wanda Tillman, CPDT
Director/Adoption Coordinator
Southern California Fox Terrier (& JRT) Rescue
The Jack Russell Terrier was developed in the south of England in the 1800s as a white terrier to work European red fox both above and below ground. The terrier was named for the Reverend John Russell, whose terriers trailed hounds and bolted foxes from dens so the hunt could ride on.
If the JRT is to function as a working terrier, he must possess certain characteristics. He must have a ready attitude, be alert and confident; be balanced in height and length; and medium in size and bone, suggesting strength and endurance. Important to breed type is a natural appearance: harsh, weatherproof coat with a compact construction and clean silhouette. The coat is broken or smooth. The terrier has a small, flexible chest to enable him to pursue his quarry underground and sufficient length of leg to follow the hounds. At work, he is a game hunter, tenacious and courageous. At home, he is playful, exuberant and can be overwhelming if not properly exercised.
Is a Jack Russell Terrier the Right Dog for You?
CAUTION: Jack Russell Terriers are not the right dog for everyone.
The JRT has been bred as a hunting dog, first and foremost. These terriers are bold, intelligent and energetic and need consistent training and supervision in any environment. Many terriers are given up by their owners because they do not fit into sedentary lives or environments with cats or even small children.
JRTs love to run, dig, play and all types of intense physical activity. They need a job to keep them occupied. Author Catherine Romaine Brown describes the JRT as being "locked in overdrive between naps." One woman wrote that her JRT "would think nothing of charging a wounded rhinocerous." A JRT can jump, climb and dig under fences that are lower than six to seven feet high. The terriers often fit well into an active lifestyle.
Do not adopt a JRT until you fully understand their requirements for a happy and healthy relationship. We receive 60 to 75 terriers a year in Northern California from homes that no longer want them for a variety of reasons, and many of the stories are heartbreaking.
Jack Russell Terriers do shed. They come in 3 coat types: smooth, broken and rough. Smooth coats have lots of fine hair, and, of all the coat types, they tend to shed the most.
The biggest cause of death in Jack Russells is being hit by cars. People who have had this tragedy happen will often write letters to other JRT owners in the membership, begging them to keep their dogs on leash at all times when they are not otherwise controlled or confined. Leash and obedience training is essential to having a well-socialized dog.
Apartments are rarely adequate for this breed. Inactive lifestyles or long work hours are not recommended for these dogs. Small children can be at risk with Jack Russells and need to be supervised at all times. Cats and other small pets are at risk because JRTs are hunting dogs. Jack Russells can be rowdy, friendly or aggressive with other dogs. These terriers are often referred to as a big dog in a little package.
Life with a Jack Russell changes things forever. These working terriers can form strong bonds and learn very quickly, given consistent direction and constant attention. They will create trouble if they become bored or are ignored in a backyard or left in a house alone all day. If you are selected as the dog's favorite person, be prepared to be followed constantly.
If you are interested in the Jack Russell Terrier, here are some references:
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Click here for Books on Jack Russell Terriers
TOBY: I'm a
My breed is used a lot in Television work because we are smart, love to work and
have endless pep and energy. You really need
to know what you are getting into when you adopt one of us. A lot of
people can't handle the energy level. Even though everyone finds us
adorable, we are not a breed for just anyone. I need a human companion
that can be firm but not mean so that I know what is acceptable behavior. I
have been housetrained, obedience trained and have some tricks. (If you
are mean at all, I'll pee out of fear.) What has worked best is
rewarding treats and love which is just being held still in your arms for a
short time or until I settle down. With all that said, I'm so much fun to
have around. You always know when I'm happy and excited because I jump up
and down. I love to work for treats, love to jump over things, and love to
run and chase things. I do love to bark but have been debarked so my bark
is quite quiet. I'm good on a leash and know the commands: "sit",
"lay", "rollover", "sit pretty", "outside", "shake", "sing" and "go to
bed". I love to show my affection for my human companions and will come
around to your side and wait for you to pick me up when I want to be picked up
and have my belly rubbed. Remember, the more you work me, the happier I
am. If you live an active lifestyle and want a canine companion, we will
get along famously. I've been raised with other dogs, but you need to
remember that because of my breeds temperament, I will be top dog. You
need to be prepared for the chaos of the adjustment period if you bring me into
a home with another dog. Presently, I'm the smallest of the three dogs I
live with and I am top dog even though you are the leader of the
to our wonderful Toby, You will give him the training and activities he needs:
Sorry for not responding so quickly today. I got my
vet's letter & am researching classes in the area for Toby.
B/C of all of Toby's advanced obedience training, if I enrolled him a Beginner
Agility Class, would this be acceptable to you as a form of an obedience
class? Since he has had so much obedience training, I don't want him to
feel unchallenged, I want him to feel stimulated.
As to your inquiry
about a local rescue doing a home visit, no, I have never come across that
situation. We are very open & will make ourselves & our home
available to a rescue representative, should such a need arise.
My friend
Michael, (who I had send you a letter of reference, member of the JRTCA, owner
of a Jack, shows & socializes Jacks, etc...) has tried to talk me out
of getting Toby b/c I found him over the internet, but he knows all of the
research I have done to find exactly what I want. He knows that I
can get a Jack here locally for free. I let him know that money is not a factor
, & I think that somehow fate played a part in Toby's life this
Thank you,
April 2004:
Toby in the tree!!
If you
see a dog or cat below on these pages that
you |
CLICK HERE FOR YOUR APPLICATION ONCE YOU HEAR BACK FROM US AFTER WE RECEIVE THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONAIRE You may call us at 801-808-4424: weekdays ONLY after 8pm Pacific Time, 9pm Mountain, 7pm Eastern or anytime weekends, we can't afford the cell phone peak times! |
![]() What is Save A Dog & Kids Program about? PAWSITIVE PRAISE FOR PEACE! Were you aware that donations for Charity and Youth Programs in 2002/2003 are so low that not only food, clothes and necessities are needed, but all After School Programs for Homeless and Under-priviledged kids have been cut. Federal research on Anti-gang, Anti-drugs, Anti-violence and Anti-juvenile delinquency states that the most successful deterants are After School Programs with positive activities for kids. Kids commit most of the crimes during the hours after school. Help us bring positive activities to the underpriviledged kids Youth Programs,YMCA After School Programs, Youth Detention Centers and other youth facilities all over the US.
A HUMANE EDUCATION TODAY, YIELDS A MORE COMPASSIONATE SOCIETY TOMORROW In our program kids learn compassion, responsibility and service through helping train and care for homeless puppies. They learn the benefits of positive praise and the rewarding satisfaction of training a helpless puppy. They gain confidence, self esteem and many more values that will help them in their lives. What a perfect match: Kids and Dogs! Donations,
volunteers and sponsors are desperately needed. |
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Santa's Doggie Wish List