BUTCH a 3 yr Basset Hound/Rhodesian Ridgeback is trained, calm. loving, housetrained great with kids family dog was abandoned at the Utah shelter by his family because they were moving. He loves other dogs and is quiet, rides great in car, calm in house. Thanks Venus for fostering him for us. They don't come any more loving, and perfect. He just loves everyone. Yeah he is adopted! (Thanks Heather for adopting him and telling us how much your family loves him.)
Rebecca for driving us down to meet Heather, her
daughter, her dog Princess and even the
neighbors Golden came along. Heather had a
perfect crate, with bed in the back of the
Denali and Butch jumped right up into it.
Heather says they just love him, he is perfect
and 3 people from the office want a dog just
like Butch. Golden REtriever REscue of Las
Vegas adopted Princess to Heather's family and
raved about the home visit. Heather is
very responsible with her dogs. And she
already paid for two operations for the Goldens
she adopted.