Animal Cruelty is the precursor to preventing Human Abuse!
We have good news and bad news about
what’s going on in the Utah State
Legislature. The bad news is that SB 117,
the animal cruelty bill that would actually
weaken cruelty laws, has passed the Senate,
while the bill supported by the ASPCA, SB
102, failed to make it out of committee and
is dead.
Now for the good news—a new bill, HB 470,
has been introduced in place of SB 102. HB
470 includes a first offense felony penalty
for abusing companion animals and a penalty
for abusing an animal in front of a child or
in a domestic violence situation.
We want Utah’s House to vote no on SB 117
and to get moving on HB 470, a good bill
that will finally give Utah, a state that
currently has no felony-level penalty for
animal cruelty, first offense felony cruelty
What You Can Do
Please visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center to
send an email to your state representative
asking him or her to support HB 470 and
oppose SB 117. |
Learn more about these bills and see our helpful
talking points at the ASPCA Advocacy Center.
REad for your info, but know that I have had over 1,000 rescued
dogs and cats microchipped by my very experienced Vet for over 10
yrs and none of those pets have had any tumors due to the chips. The
chips have kept some of them from being put to sleep in shelters
when owners did not have tags on them. You can find stories of
complications by shots, surgeries, products with pets too.
Posted: March 24, 2010
8:22 pm Eastern
Chelsea Schilling

Seamus (Copyright Howard Gillis
2010. All rights reserved.) |
implanted microchips cause cancer in
dogs and cats?
the question owners are asking after
highly aggressive tumors developed
around the microchip implants of two
dogs, killing one and leaving the other
terminally ill.
owners – and pathology and autopsy
reports – suggest a link between the
chips and formation of fast-growing
could see it taking his life'
5-year-old bullmastiff named Seamus died
last month after developing a hemangio-sarcoma
– a malignant form of cancer that can
kill even humans in three to six months,
explains privacy expert, syndicated
radio host and best-selling author Dr.
Katherine Albrecht.
Albrecht, an outspoken opponent of
implantable microchips, has been
contacted by pet owners after their
animals experienced what they believe to
be side effects from the procedure.
According to a pathology report, Seamus'
tumor appeared between his shoulder
blades last year, and by September a
"large mass" had grown with the
potential to spread to his lungs, liver
and spleen.
underwent emergency surgery, and doctors
extracted a 4-pound, 3-ounce tumor from
the dog. They used four drains to remove
fluid from the area in which the tumor
had developed. The veterinarian informed
the dog's owner, Howard Gillis, that
there had been two microchips embedded
in Seamus – one presumably inserted by
the dog's breeder when Seamus was only 9
months old. The chips were both located
in and around the tumor.
In just
three months, the cancer returned.
Seamus, a once energetic dog, struggled
to walk.
"was 150 pounds of heart," Howard
Gillis, the dog's owner, said in a
recent interview. "He wanted to live."
Read the whole story: Get "Spychips: How
Major Corporations and Government plan
to Track your every Move"
explained that he "got the microchip
because I didn't want him stolen. I
thought I was doing right. There were
never any warnings about what a
microchip could do, but I saw it
first-hand. That cancer was something I
could see growing every day, and I could
see it taking his life … It just ate him
up." To end the suffering, Seamus was
put to sleep in February.
embedded inside tumor

Scotty (Copyright Linda Hawkins
2010. All rights reserved.)) |
Albrecht told the story of another dog,
a 5-year-old Yorkshire terrier named
Scotty that was diagnosed with cancer in
Memphis, Tenn. Scotty developed a tumor
between his shoulder blades, in the same
location where the microchip had been
implanted. The tumor the size of a small
balloon – described as malignant
lymphoma – was removed. Scotty's
microchip was embedded inside the tumor.
was given only a year to live. His
owner, Linda Hawkins, said the
veterinarian was skeptical that a chip
implant could cause cancer.
Scotty's December pathology report, the
doctor wrote: "I was previously
suspicious of a prior unrelated
injection site reaction" beneath the
tumor. "However, it is possible that
this inflammation is associated with
other foreign debris, possibly from the
doctor said the chip was coated with a
translucent material to keep the
microchips from moving around the body.
"This coating could be the material
inciting the inflammatory response," he
national pet recovery and identification
network, asked a vet to review the
pathology report, according to Hawkins.
The company reported that the chip was
not the cause of the tumor. However,
Hawkins said the company sent her a $300
check to pay for medical expenses.
"I find
it hard to believe that a company will
just give away $300 to somebody who
calls in, unless there is something bad
going on," Hawkins said.
reported spending $4,000 on medical
treatment for Scotty since December.

Scotty's scar following
surgery to remove tumor
(Copyright Linda Hawkins
2010. All rights reserved.) |
is just a baby," she said. "He won't
live the 15 years he's supposed to … I
did something I thought a responsible
pet owner should – microchip your pet –
and to think that it killed him … It
just breaks your heart."
Albrecht cited other reports of animals
who suffered adverse reactions following
implantation of microchips. Two other
dogs experienced malignant tumors.
French bulldog named
Léon developed a lump at the microchip
site only eight months after
implantation. A biopsy indicated
that Léon had a fibrosarcoma, an
aggressive form of cancer.
As WND reported just last year, a
Chihuahua named Charlie Brown
experienced another outcome from the
chipping procedure. He bled to death.
wasn't in favor of getting Charlie
chipped, but it was the law," said Lori
Ginsberg, the Chihuahua's owner, citing
an ordinance that requires all dogs over
the age of four months in unincorporated
Los Angeles County be microchipped. Dog
owners who refuse to comply face a $250
fine for the first offense and up to six
months in jail and $1,000 fine for
continued non-compliance.
technology is supposedly so great until
it's your animal that dies," she said.
"I can't believe Charlie is gone."
(Story continues below)
Malignant tumors in lab mice, rats
Likewise, in 2007,
the Associated Press reported, "A
series of veterinary and toxicology
studies, dating to the mid-1990s, stated
that chip implants had 'induced'
malignant tumors in some lab mice and
rats." They developed subcutaneous
"sarcomas" – most of them encasing the
Johnson, a retired toxicologic
pathologist, led a 1996 study at the Dow
Chemical Co. in Midland, Mich.
transponders were the cause of the
tumors," he told the AP.

Dr. Katherine Albrecht |
Albrecht has authored a 52-page
peer-reviewed article, titled "Microchip-Induced
Tumors in Laboratory Rodents and Dogs: A
Review of the Literature," in which
she discusses literature published in
oncology and toxicology journals between
1990 and 2006 that address the effects
of implanted radio-frequency microchips
on laboratory rodents and dogs.
Albrecht has been invited to present her
findings at a June conference for the
Institute for Electronic and Electrical
Engineers, the world's leading
professional association for the
advancement of technology.
said it is important that the public be
made aware of the potential hazards of
microchipping because some governments
are seeking to make dog chipping
mandatory. For example, the
British government recently announced
its proposal to impose penalties on pet
owners who do not comply with chipping
requirements. Ireland, New Zealand,
Malta, Norway, Switzerland, Austria,
Croatia, Italy and Portugal and even
some places in the United States require
mandatory microchipping. Likewise, USA
Today reported Colorado requires
implanting microchips in dogs that
injure someone. Minnesota enacted a
similar law in 2001, and in Virginia,
dangerous dogs are required to have
either a microchip or an identifying
tattoo on the inner thigh.
how prevalent the problem of pets
developing cancerous growths following
chip implantation really is, Albrecht
told WND, "That's what we don't know,
and that's why we are hoping the
veterinary community will at least start
to acknowledge these problems and start
to report on these cases as they turn
up. It seems there's a widespread lack
of awareness in the veterinary community
about this problem."
No studies linking chip implantation to
2004, after investigating microchipping,
the Food and Drug Administration found
the process to be safe enough for use in
humans and animals. In 2007, the New
York Times reported federal regulators
said animal data had been considered in
the review of chip implantation in
humans and that there were no controlled
scientific studies linking chip
implantation to cancer in dogs and cats.
Lab rodents were said to be more prone
than other animals to develop tumors
from all types of injections.
there are any cancers from the chips,
they are so rare that losing pets is far
more serious," Dr. Lawrence D. McGill, a
veterinary pathologist at Animal
Reference Pathology, a veterinary
laboratory in Salt Lake City, told the
Likewise, the
American Veterinary Medical Association
website states, "Tumors associated
with microchips in two dogs were
reported, but in at least one of these
dogs the tumor could not be directly
linked to the microchip itself (and may
have been caused by something else). …
the risk that your animal will develop
cancer due to its microchip is very,
very low, and is far outweighed by the
improved likelihood that you will get
your animal back if it becomes lost."
However, Albrecht noted that side
effects resulting from FDA-approved
devices for human use are required to be
reported, while those resulting from use
of animal devices are not.
it's for animal use, there's no
requirement," she said. "We suspect this
is happening quite frequently, and it's
simply not being reported."

Microchip inserted into pet
(photo: Atascadero Pet
Hospital and Emergency
Center) |
owners should be clearly advised'
Albrecht nor the American Veterinary
Medical Association recommend having
microchips removed from pets that
exhibit no reactions after the chips
have been implanted because doing so
would require invasive surgery. However,
in her research paper, Albrecht
recommends that policymakers "reverse
all policies that mandate the
microchipping of animals under their
jurisdiction or control," including
reversal of state and local ordinances
and chipping policies at animal
advocates a voluntary system of
microchipping at the discretion of pet
owners and asks that veterinarians
familiarize themselves with research
findings regarding adverse reactions
before recommending implants for
Albrecht also states, "Pet owners should
be clearly advised of the research
linking the microchip to cancer in
rodents and dogs when seeking advice
about the chipping procedure or choosing
to have it done to their pets."
According to the paper, pet owners
should routinely inspect the microchip
site on their animals for unusual lumps
or swelling and immediately report
Albrecht argues that it is far more
efficient to fit dogs and cats with tags
that contain owner contact information
rather than chipping an animal and
expecting the person who finds him to
take him to a clinic or shelter to read
the microchip. "Then, if your neighbor
finds your dog, rather than having to
turn your dog in to the animal shelter
where it might be put to sleep, your
neighbor can call you and tell you they
have him," she said. As for pet owners
who have not sought the procedure for
their animals and are unsure of whether
they should, Albrecht noted, "If a pet's
not currently microchipped, it may be
best to keep them that way."
Editor's note: Dr. Albrecht encourages
pet owners who have similar experiences
with implantable microchips to
contact her and share their stories.
We have been rescuing Senior
Dogs from LA for 2 yrs and need your help getting Delta Airlines to
donate Skymiles so more can be rescued from #1 Kill Shelters with
most strays in US: LA, CA
With 100,000 animals euthanized in the Los Angles metropolitan-area,
it comes to killing.
Rescuers work double-overtime, shelters are on 'survival mode', with
poor conditions, overcrowding, and never-ending supplies of strays,
and owner turn ins. There's no catching up, it's so bad.
Our shelters killed over 100K animals in 2005.
70% of the cats that enter the shelter system die.
50% of the dogs that enter the shelter system die.
I know I'm "preaching to the choir" but I thought I'd pass this
video along, to add a little "hope" to your day, for what can seem
to be a very hopeless situation.
I've never been a huge fan of PetSmart but they seem to be on to
something here...
Not that it's rocket science, but at-least they are stepping up to
the plate, creating a charity hospital in LA, that focuses on one of
the biggest sources of the problem, SPAY AND NEUTER, or lack
At-least there's hope... or at-least a plan.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param
name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=""
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425"
- No tricks, no treats: That bowlful of
candy is for trick-or-treaters, not for
Scruffy and Fluffy. Chocolate in all
forms can be very dangerous for dogs and
cats, and tin foil and cellophane candy
wrappers can be hazardous if swallowed.
- Dress-up can be a big mess-up for some
pets. Please don’t put your dog or cat
in costume unless you know he or she
loves it (yup, some pets are real
hams!). For companion animals who prefer
wearing their “birthday suits,” however,
wearing a costume can cause undue
- If you do dress up
your pet, make sure the costume isn’t
annoying or unsafe. It should not
restrict the animal’s movement or
hearing, or impede his ability to
breathe or bark. Keep a lookout for
small, dangling or easily chewed-off
pieces on the costume that your pet
could choke on.
- Popular Halloween
plants such as pumpkins and decorative
corn are considered to be relatively
nontoxic, yet they can produce
gastrointestinal upset should pets
ingest them. Intestinal blockage could
even occur if large pieces are consumed.
For our complete list of
Halloween safety tips,
visit And please
remember, if you suspect that your pet
has ingested a potentially dangerous
substance—around Halloween or any time
of year—please call your veterinarian or
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center
at (888) 426-4435.
Hazards of Winter |
January 17, 2008 |
A snow-cleared path can be paved with problems
for your pet.
Salt-based snow and ice melters may be
effective, but they can also be dangerous to
your four-legged friend. Playing in treated snow
can allow salt crystals to lodge between the
pads of your dog's paws, causing skin
irritation. If the snow is eaten, your pet may
experience gastrointestinal upsets that lead to
diarrhea or vomiting.
To keep your walkways clear and your dog safe
during daily romps in the snow, use a nontoxic,
salt-free melting product. |
news of his guilty plea, I contacted Michael Vick suggesting that he
hear—for the first time in his life, he confirmed—about animal protection
issues, learn how animals feel joy and pain and deserve respect, and receive
specific instruction on what to say to young people whom he has influenced
in the worst possible ways.
In mid-September, Michael Vick visited PETA's headquarters in Norfolk,
Virginia, to meet with me privately. I told him that PETA advocates an end
to all exploitation and needless violence based on prejudice, including the
prejudice against other species, and that we believe that he should equip
himself with information and materials in order to be able to live up to his
responsibility to counsel children not to engage in cruelty to animals. He
expressed his willingness to learn and his belief that everything in life
happens for a reason, and he offered an apology to PETA and to "everyone"
for "what I have done to dogs." I also explained that even if he took our
basic empathy course, our position that he should serve jail time and have a
lifetime ban on contact with animals would nevertheless remain unchanged,
and he accepted that.
Two weeks ago, Michael Vick returned to PETA to take the
Empathy for Animals" course, an
all-day seminar on "who animals are," alternatives to cruelty,
animal protection philosophy, and humane education, which PETA has now
excerpted online. We believe that this course should be
adopted by the NFL for all players to take in order to give them a chance to
learn empathy, compassion, and nonviolence. Two days after the seminar, Vick
came back to PETA's office to take the course exam.
PETA's course teaches the Golden Rule—treat others as you wish to be
treated. Only time will tell whether Michael Vick has benefited from what he
has learned, but he has pledged to use this knowledge to urge kids not
to follow in his footsteps and to be kind to animals. Meanwhile, we are
urging the NFL to take the important step of
requiring that every player do what Michael Vick has done and take the
course in order to help prevent future acts of violence
against animals and to equip players with information about respecting
animals that they can share with their young fans.
Although the Vick story served as the first glimpse for many people into the
gory details of dogfighting, the abuses detailed in Vick's indictment are as
widespread as they are horrific. In the last year alone, PETA has responded
to more than 14,000 calls and e-mail messages regarding other dogfighting
and individual cruelty-to-animals cases. The crucial step now is to urge
policymakers and law enforcement officers to treat all cases of
dogfighting and cruelty to animals the same way that they handled Vick's
high-profile case. To that end, please join PETA and
ask the NFL to require that all its players, some of whom have
been involved in a series of cruelty-to-animals cases, attend PETA's
"Developing Empathy for Animals" course.
Thank you for helping us do all that we can to make the world a better place
for animals.
Responsible Dog Ownership Day
the right dog for your lifestyle is
the first and most important step to
becoming a responsible dog owner.
Once you have your new pet, it’s
crucial to recognize that there is a
lot of work that goes into dog
ownership – a happy, healthy and
well-trained canine is not created
That’s why we host AKC Responsible
Dog Ownership Day each September –
to keep the focus on Fido! The
month-long celebration involves
hundreds of organizations uniting
across the country to hold free
events with fun and engaging
activities both new and experienced
dog owners can enjoy. To find out
where and when AKC Responsible Dog
Ownership Day is being celebrated in
your community, visit our
online database of events listed by
Read more. We got a box of
pamphlets and posters from AKC we
can give you. We will also give our
shelters some of it.
During the "dog days" of summer, heatstroke can come on quickly and
result in brain damage or death.
Watch to make sure that a dog's pads don't burn on the hot pavement!
Surface temperatures of sidewalks and surfaces like black asphalt far
exceed the ambient temperature. For dogs, walking on such surfaces on a
hot day can be like dancing on hot coal!
Never leave a dog in a parked car. Even if you are running a quick
errand, someone or something can distract or delay you. On a mild 73ºF
day, the temperature inside a car can reach 120ºF in 30 minutes. On a
90ºF day, the interior of a vehicle can reach 160ºF in several minutes.
If you see a dog who is panting excessively, drooling, or teetering
inside a car, take down the car's color, model, make, and license plate
number; have the owner paged inside the store or call local humane
authorities or police. If the situation is an emergency, do whatever you
can to get the dog out of the car —his
or her life may depend on it.
Trim heavy-coated dogs' fur, but leave an inch for protection against
insects and sunburn.
Watch for symptoms such as restlessness, excessive thirst, heavy
panting, lethargy, lack of appetite, dark tongue, rapid heartbeat,
fever, vomiting, or lack of coordination. If your dog shows any of these
symptoms, get him or her into the shade immediately and call your
veterinarian. Lower the animal's body temperature gradually by providing
water to drink; applying a cold towel or ice pack to the head, neck, and
chest; or immersing the dog in lukewarm (not cold) water.
If you decide to get a cat this summer, never buy from a pet store or
breeder; adopt from an animal shelter instead.
If this is the first time you will be sharing your home with a cat,
read about the basics of feeding and care.
Summer poses extra dangers for cats from heat and humidity. The only
foolproof protection for them is true year-round: Cats should never be
allowed outside unaccompanied. Even indoor conditions can be taxing for
cats, so be sure to offer plenty of fresh water and a cool spot in a
shady room for relief from the heat.
Learn how to keep up with cats' shedding.
Another companion animal emergency —no
matter what the season—is
overpopulation, which leads to animals' deaths. If you haven't already
done so, please read why you should sterilize your companion animal
without delay, and find out how your dog or cat could be hurt if you
March 27, 2007
To Our Loyal
Pet Parents,
As you may already know, Wellness brand pet food was NOT involved in the
recent Menu Foods "cuts and gravy" product recall.
Consistent with our mission of providing uncompromising nutrition for dogs
and cats, Wellness is committed to healthy, high-quality and natural pet
food ingredients and recipes. Our products, for example, do not contain
wheat, corn or soy or any artificial preservatives, flavors or colors.
Our pets are part of our families. While Wellness brand pet food was not
affected, we express our sympathies to the animals, and their pet parents,
who have suffered as a result of this unfortunate event.
As always, if you have any questions, we are happy to help and would love to
hear from you. You can reach us at 1-800-225-0904.
CEO of Wellness Pet Foods.
I just received a call
back from a representative of the FDA,
in response to a message I left had with them this past Friday
afternoon. I spoke with a very nice woman there, who informed me
that if we have any complaints of our animals becoming ill, or dying
from ANY kind of dog or cat foods, that we need to log on
to: ,
and then find your State.
Then find the correlating phone number for your State, and call to
report your pets illness or death to that number for your own
State. She told me that this really is the only way that the FDA
will really know exactly how many animals are being affected by the
tainted foods, and if other foods (like some dry foods) might also
actually be affected.
She also told
me, that if you suspect
you are having a problem with any of the dry cat or dog foods making
your animals ill, that this is the only way an investigation will be
opened on those particular foods.
Recalled Cat Product Information
Recall Information
Variety or Multi-Packs:
you are in possession of a variety or multi-pack,
please be sure to check the individual can or pouch
rather than relying solely on the date coding on the
side of the carton. (Wet
Americas Choice, Preferred Pets
Best Choice
Demoulas Market Basket
Fine Feline Cat
Food Lion
Giant Companion
Hill Country Fare
Laura Lynn
Li'l Red
Loving Meals
Meijer's Main Choice
Nutro Max Gourmet Classics
Nutro Natural Choice
Pet Pride
Presidents Choice
Price Chopper
Priority US
Save-A-Lot Special Blend
Science Diet Feline Savory Cuts Cans
Special Kitty Canada
Special Kitty US
Springfield Prize
Stop & Shop Companion
Tops Companion
Weis Total Pet
Western Family US
White Rose
Winn Dixie
- Dog Recal Products
Americas Choice, Preferred Pets
Best Choice
Big Bet
Big Red
Demoulas Market Basket
Food Lion
Giant Companion
Great Choice
Hill Country Fare
Laura Lynn
Loving Meals
Meijers Main Choice
Mighty Dog Pouch
Nutro Max
Nutro Natural Choice
Nutro Ultra
Ol'Roy Canada
Ol'Roy US
Pet Essentials
Pet Pride - Good n Meaty
Presidents Choice
Price Chopper
Priority Canada
Priority US
Roche Brothers
Save-A-Lot Choice Morsels
Shep Dog
Springsfield Prize
Stater Brothers
Stop & Shop Companion
Tops Companion
Wegmans Bruiser
Weis Total Pet
Western Family US
White Rose
Winn Dixie
Your Pet
Safe Foods that don't use Gluten Wheat:
Addiction Foods:
Solely manufactured in Australia and New
Blue Buffalo: Not made by Menu Foods.
Canned foods made by American Nutrition in
Utah. Dry foods made at CJ Foods in
Breeder's Choice: Wet products made by
Menu Foods, but not involved in the
Canidae: No products made by Menu Foods.
Canine Caviar: Not made by Menu Foods.
Canned food made by American Nutrition in
Castor & Pollux: Organix and Natural
Ultramix made by Menu Foods but not
involved in the recall.
Drs. Foster & Smith: Canned foods made by
Menu Foods but not involved in the recall.
Refused to say where dry is made.
Eagle Pack: Some products made by Menu
Foods but not involved in the recall.
Evangers: No foods made by Menu Foods.
They have their own cannery.
Fromm Four Star: Not made at Menu Foods.
Go! Natural (Petcurean) Canned made at
Menu Foods, Canada.
Dry made at various Candadian mills
Halo, Purely For Pets (Spot's Stew) Not
made at Menu Foods. Foods are made at a
USDA kitchen where human foods are made.
Nothing less than USDA grade foods can
even be brought into the kitchen.
Merrick: No products made by Menu Foods.
All Merrick foods, dry, canned and treats
are made by their own facility.
Natura (Healthwise, California Naturals,
Innova): Has their own plant for dry
foods. Canned food is made at the South
Dakota Menu Foods plant, which is not one
of the plants involved in the recall. They
also say they provide all the ingredients
Natural Balance: Not made by Menu Foods.
Dry food is made at their own plant then
shipped to the Diamond plant where it is
bagged. They have their own people on site
all of the time. Canned food is made at
their own plant, then shipped to American
Nutrition in Utah where it is canned.
Natural Balance has their own line at
American Nutrtion and no other canned
foods are run through NB's equipment.
Nature's Variety: Canned food made by Menu
Foods but not involved in the recall.
Newman's Own Organics: Didn't specify
which, but said "We contract with an
organic- certified manufacturer to make
our foods, although we develop the
formulations and source the ingredients". says it's made by Menu
Foods but not included in the recall.
Nutro: Dry foods are made at their own
plants in California and Tennessee. Wet
foods are made at Menu Foods and wet foods
have been recalled.
Pet Promise: Not made by Menu Foods.
Canned foods are made at their own plant
in Wisconsin. Dry Foods are made at their
own plant in Denver.
Precise: Refuses to say whether or not
their foods are made by Menu Foods, but
they are not involved in the recall.
Solid Gold: No products made by Menu
Foods. Dry food made by Diamond.
Timberwolf Organics: When contacted, they
refused to say whether or not their food
is made by Menu Foods. Said they can't
give out that information.
Wellness/Old Mother Hubbard: Some products
made by Menu Foods but not involved in the
Wysong: Most foods are made at their own
facility. Their Au Jus line, the Chicken
Stew and Gravy, and Beef Stew and Gravy
foods are made at Menu Foods but not
involved in the recall.
Also, Trader Joe's is not involved in the
recall, but is voluntarily removing all
canned foods made by Menu Foods, only as a
Nutra Nuggets
Dry LAmb and Rice at Costco, no articial
colors, preservatives or chemichals, and
no gluten Wheat. No corn either.
Dogs are highly allergic to corn and
wheat. I spoke to their Vet.
Now that the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) is reporting that consumers suspect that
dry pet food may have sickened or
killed their companion animals, PETA is
calling on the agency to immediately expand
the pet-food recall.
Click here to read the latest updates from
March 30, 2007, 12 noon: FDA
Confirms Tainted Wheat Gluten Shipped to
Dry-Food Manufacturer
In a news conference today, federal officials
confirmed that at least one shipment of the
same poisoned wheat gluten that has been
responsible for dog and cat deaths across the
country was shipped to a dry-food
manufacturer. Despite this knowledge, the FDA
and pet-food manufacturers have failed
to issue a precautionary recall of dry pet
food and won’t disclose which dry-food
manufacturer received the tainted shipment.
PETA is urging all companion-animal guardians
who suspect that their animals may have been
sickened by tainted food to immediately report
this to the FDA.
Click here for more information on what
you should do if you suspect that your animal
companion is ill.
Please also be sure to tell
Iams and
Menu Foods that you won’t buy while
animals die.
Iams Undercover Investigation
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released
an official complaint stating that the contract
laboratory investigated by PETA in 2002 and
2003, which was employed by pet-food
manufacturer Iams, “has shown a lack of good
faith.” The
government complaint alleges that the
following violations, among others, were
documented by government inspectors at the
contract laboratory from 2002 to 2005:
- Failure to provide pain relief to sheep
used in experiments that caused pain or
- Failure to ensure that personnel were
trained to perform experiments on animals
- Failure to provide veterinary care and to
observe animals daily
- Failure to properly ventilate housing
facilities for dogs and cats
- Failure to house cats with a sufficient
number of litterboxes and resting surfaces
- Failure to keep animal-housing facilities
clean and in good repair, resulting in
- Failure to maintain comfortable
temperatures in animal-housing facilities
- Failure to provide animals with sufficient
Click here to learn how you can help
convince Iams to stop funding animal
experiments. |
Iams and P&G Cause Animals to Suffer
For nearly 10 months in 2002 and early 2003, a
PETA investigator went undercover at an Iams
contract testing laboratory, where a dark,
sordid secret was discovered beneath the dog-
and cat-food manufacturer’s wholesome image. Our
investigator found dogs who had gone crazy from
intense confinement in barren steel cages and
cement cells, dogs who had been left on a filthy
paint-chipped floor after chunks of muscle had
been hacked from their thighs, dogs who had been
surgically debarked, and horribly sick dogs and
cats who were languishing in their cages,
neglected and left to suffer without veterinary
Read more »
U.S. Government Testing Programs
Tax dollars pay for
countless animals experiments funded by
the government |
If you're like most people, you were
probably horrified to see news footage of
dogs locked in metal chambers, convulsing
and dying, as al-Qaeda terrorists pumped
toxic gases into the chambers. You'd
probably be even more horrified to know that
your tax dollars fund the same experiments
by the federal government right here in the
U.S.--and not just at the Defense
As unbelievable as it may seem, the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) requires by law that
pesticides be tested on dogs, who are shoved
into "inhalation chambers" where they try in
vain to escape the deadly poisons that are
pumped in.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
requires companies marketing fluoride
products to swab the teeth of 200 rats with
the test substance for two weeks, at which
time the animals are killed and their heads
baked in an oven for an hour. While both the
EPA and the FDA require massive amounts of
animal testing for the marketing of
industrial chemicals, vaccines, and drugs,
other U.S. agencies that require and/or
conduct animal testing include the
Department of Agriculture, the Consumer
Product Safety Commission, the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,
and the Department of Transportation.
A lethal poisoning test invented around the
time of World War I--in which animals are
force-fed increasing doses of a chemical
until they die--is still the single most
common animal test in use today. Government
regulations still require chemical
manufacturers to squirt burning chemicals
into rabbits' eyes and onto their shaved
skin. Some government-mandated tests kill
more than 2,000 animals every time they are
conducted. And not a single one of these
animal tests has ever been formally proved
to be relevant to or able to accurately
predict human health effects.
This site will give you the facts and the
information that you need to help the
millions of animals suffering in chemical
toxicity tests required by the U.S.
Iams' Own Exec Criticizes
Company's Cruel Caging Policy
“The lesson learned here is that kennel studies
are not an appropriate way to test feeding
guidelines because most kennels represent a
high-stress ... environment.”
—Diane Hirakawa, senior vice president of Iams
Research and Development, Petfood Industry
Electronic Newsletter
Support Companies That Don't Test on Animals
Caring consumers might never guess that lonely
animals are confined to tiny barren cages in
laboratories for years on end to test dog and
cat food. PETA has contacted hundreds of
companion-animal food companies to find out
whether they conduct laboratory tests on
animals. Numerous companies responded to let us
know that they do not.
Learn more » |
Talk to Your Local Shelter About Iams
If you volunteer at, donate to, or live near an
animal shelter, please urge the shelter to stop
buying and/or promoting Iams products until the
company ends its cruel laboratory tests on
Click here for Iams literature to give to
the shelter.
Animal shelters across North America are joining
the Iams boycott.
Let us know
if your local shelter is one of them. |
Wow this is so great, I walked around Laguna Beach with the
little girls I tutored to get people to write and donate to this
effort 10 yrs ago. Thank you so much for such great news. Sincerely,
Denise De Vynck Save A Dog & Kids
I'm thrilled to report a big leap forward in our ambitious
campaign to save the world's last unspoiled gray whale nursery at
San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja, Mexico.
The Mexican government has just announced that 109,000 acres of
federal lands surrounding this spectacular whale habitat will be
donated for conservation. This fantastic decision may well be the
nail in the coffin of a decade-old Mitsubishi plan to build the
world's largest industrial saltworks on the shores of the whale
sanctuary. Mitsubishi withdrew the saltworks scheme in 2000, in the
face of worldwide opposition spearheaded by NRDC. But its Mexican
partner (ESSA) has always left open the frightening possibility of
reviving the scheme. Any such revival has now been thwarted by
Mexico's decision to protect the acreage that was critical to the
saltworks plan.But there's even more good news.The government made
its dramatic announcement in the midst of a full-day telethon on TV
Azteca, one of Mexico's biggest TV networks. The telethon conveyed
our cause to 30 million viewers and raised $350,000 -- money that
will help our conservation alliance buy up even more development
rights around the whale's lagoon. That's important, because our
fight to save the whale's nursery is far from over.San Ignacio
Lagoon is still vulnerable to plans for oil and gas drilling . . .
to proposed massive high-rise hotels . . . and to schemes for resort
marinas and ocean-bound ships.That's why it's absolutely critical
that we press ahead with our visionary plan to permanently protect
all ONE MILLION ACRES of land that surround the lagoon.Thanks to the
generosity of Members like you, our alliance has already acquired
the development rights for 140,000 acres of communal and private
lands -- and put them off-limits to industry and developers
forever.When you add in the government's 109,000 acres, we've now
secured permanent protection for 249,000 acres around one of the
greatest whale breeding grounds on earth. Two years ago, such
protection was just a beautiful dream. It is fast becoming
reality.What does it mean for the whales?When hundreds of pregnant
gray whales arrived at the lagoon this winter -- after swimming
4,000 miles from the frigid Arctic -- they did not find a lagoon
transformed by Mitsubishi into a wasteland of round-the-clock
industrial activity, toxic pollution and ocean-going tanker
traffic.Instead, they found what generations of whales before them
have always found: the one place on earth where their newborns can
enter the world as mother nature intended: wild and free.With your
help, we intend to keep it that way.Sincerely,
Frances Beinecke President Natural Resources Defense Council P.S.
You can learn more about the gray whale nursery and make a special
donation that will help protect it forever by going to:
Wildlife supporters
like you have done so much to help protect our wildlife. Now here’s a fun
way to learn more about wolves, tigers, sea otters and other imperiled
Visit and
transform yourself -- or a friend, family member, or pet -- into a wolf pup,
panda, sea otter, or one of our other adorable, majestic, or scary-looking
Just create your personal animal
morph page, and then share it with friends, family, co-workers and others to
help us raise awareness about the plight of our imperiled wildlife. is simple to use -- you start by choosing one
of twenty one different imperiled animals. Then, upload a photo of your own
or choose a sample photo from our gallery of people and animals.
Finally, watch as the face you chose gradually transforms into your chosen
animal. And if you like the results, you can save your morph and
send it to your friends and family (and even post it on your
website, blog or MySpace page)!
Try it out for yourself --
create your own morph right now with!
These morphs are a lot of fun, but
we’ve also created for a serious reason to raise awareness about
the plight of dolphins, polar bears, panthers, wolves, and other imperiled
wildlife. Each personal morph includes a fun fact about your chosen critter
and an easy online action to help save them.
So please be sure to share your morph with friends and family
-- It’s fun, and you’ll be helping to protect these special animals!
Dear PCRM supporter,
We need your help today! The House of
Representatives is set to vote on H.R. 4239 (the
Senate has already passed S. 3880), the Animal
Enterprise Terrorism Act, later today. We need help
urging Congress and the Judiciary Committee to oppose
this bill.
Learn more about the AETA.
Here’s how you can help:
- Call Rep. Robert Scott (VA), a
top-ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, at
202-225-8351 to urge him to help
get this controversial bill taken off the suspension
- Contact the following
top-ranking Democrats in your district for help
opposing this bill:
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA): 202-225-0100
- Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD): 202-225-4131
- Rep. John Conyers (MI): 202-225-5126
- If you haven't already done so,
call your representative and
send a follow-up e-mail.
Forward this e-mail to your family and friends.
Please note the following talking points:
- It is my understanding that H.R. 4239, the
Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, will be voted on
later today by the House under suspension of the
- I am strongly opposed to this bill, which would
significantly compromise legitimate free speech
- I urge you (your representative) to take
immediate action to have this controversial bill
taken off the suspension calendar.
Thank you for your support. Feel free to e-mail me
at if you have
any questions.
Best regards,

Kyle Ash
Legislative Coordinator
Man says dog saved him from black bear
Dude the hound sacrifices
life by intervening when animal rushes owner
Updated: 7:26 p.m. ET Feb 26,
Wis. - Jason Schindler says he wouldn't be alive if it were
not for his dog, Dude. The 27-year-old rural Cataract man
said the 8-year-old mixed-breed hound jumped between him and
an attacking black bear Thursday night, saving his life but
giving up his own. The animal sustained at least 28 puncture
wounds to his chest and neck, he said.
"I'd hate
for someone else's dog to go through what mine did," he
and his wife, Kimberly, buried the dog with a blanket and
pillow the next day, using a rented jackhammer to dig the
grave in the frozen soil.
He said he
heard the dog yelping loudly Thursday after dark and went
out to see what was happening.
"all I saw was this dark thing lunging at me," Schindler
But his
dog jumped between the two and was quickly snatched up in
the bear's jaw, he said.
"If not
for the dog, I wouldn't be standing here," Schindler said.
The bear,
estimated at between 400 and 500 pounds, dragged the dog to
his nearby den under a thicket of downed trees.
said he returned to his house, grabbed a .30-30 rifle,
returned to the scene and fired, possibly hitting his target
before the bear fled into the woods. He rescued his dog,
gushing blood but breathing, and rushed him to the Sparta
Veterinary Clinic.
‘Miracle dog’
He said Dude was the last of a litter of puppies available
at the Monroe County Animal Shelter when Schindler adopted
week in the shelter and he would have been euthanized,
Schindler said.
"I saw him
lying there alone in his cage and I felt so bad for him," he
said. "In a way he was a miracle dog."
Tell your Animal
Shelter Board Thank YOu for Hiring Mike Morgan!!
Watch Oct/Nov. 2006 for the TV Documentary "Fifteen Legs" named after
Bailey and another rescued dog: "Denise,"Bailey
appears at the end of Fifteen Legs (the production) and the companion book
is dedicated to Bailey and the little Aussie-mix who takes the fifteen leg
journey home. The book has been edited, is with a designer now, and will
soon go to print. Our plan is to release the production and the book around
the same time in late Oct./November. Will let you know...
We still receive your emails. You do a tremendous job promoting the needs
of animals. It is truly remarkable how much ground you cover!
LInk to the pics of the
Fifteen Drivers for Bailey from OH to CO
Click here
for instructions
The American Enterprise Terrorism Act is a bill that is quickly and
quietly being passed through the Senate and House, with barely a recess before going to the White House. It has passed unanimously
in the Senate! Contact your representatives and tell them to oppose
HR 4238!
Contact your House Reps now at 202-224-3121.
This is a bill so cleverly worded, making us think that this only
targets radical violent animal groups. Actually, if you read it carefully, any disagreement could follow under the "intent to
People, do you get this?!!! This bill is purposely vague, so a
peaceful protest could fall under this bill. This means our first amendment rights, for the first time in history, can be taken away,
in order to allow big business to profit, that unfairly and cruelly
use animals, without any interference. To confuse people, it is done
in the name of "terrorism". This is what happened to the SHAC7! They
were five guys and a girl, along with the SHAC7 organization that were quietly convicted 9/12/06, for mere words on a website, because
they targeted "big business" using animals inhumanely. The seven
terrorists Bush talks about in his State of the Union are these exact animal activists, and AETA will secure this action,
guaranteeing all businesses to never lose a profit that is caused by
an animal activist. This means that when Oprah was sued by the beef
industry she would have lost and been sited a fine or even jailed through this law. She would have been deemed a terrorist!
Here is the bigger and more disturbing question. Where is HSUS in this?? They are the richest, largest international animal
organization with the biggest mailing list, in addition to a ton of
affiliates. HSUS gets their millions by playing "moderate" with s afe
issues. Their self-promotion which gives them their millions they define as "lobbying through awareness". Though they also take credit
for bills they didn't create.
When HSUS wants a bill passed, they get it passed. So where are they
with AETA? HSUS only has a very safe opinion about AETA on their website, much like a disclaimer. Could this be because Wayne
Percelle, the CEO, is looking to the future to become a politician and therefore distancing himself with this bill? HSUS is actually
busy getting FEMA to make them lead agency to all future disasters,
though they failed Katrina. HSUS wants this bill with FEMA, because
they made so many easy millions during Katrina. The State Attorney General investigated those millions.
HSUS is also trying, for the first time, to get shelters to join under their HSUS umbrella. This may be another avenue to secure more
votes when Wayne, the CEO of HSUS, runs for President of U. S. People, HSUS uses "killing" for all their solutions, "kill all pit
bulls, kill all ferals". HSUS goes as far as forcing D.A.'s, for
example, in North Carolina, to jail people who feed or fix ferals. They also send out letters contradicting the Health Dept., stating
feral cats spread bird flu. I thought they get donations from little
ol' ladies to protect kitties, not people. While the U.S. spends 4 billion dollars on animal organizations, 2 billion for private, 2
for government, we are killing 10 times more than any other country.
Why? Because killing only allows these animal organizations to continually profit off the problems. HSUS makes much more money than
their 9/90 says, because they are international. However, HSUS nationally makes $150 million. That is enough to stop what they
call "pet over-population". For every dollar spent on spay/neuter,
you save $10 dollars on housing, killing and disposing of an animal.
This is the only real way to lower births while saving money.
Call up your politicians and vote against AETA, (202-224-3121). Most
of all support only those organizations that actively and loudly campaign against this bill (AETA) as that shows they are the real
I called and asked my Senator Orin Hatch to vote against this treacherous
Act that would take away our Constitutional Right!
SHANE & SIA BARBI - The New Faces of Terror (just kidding) But various serious about this issue!
To read more on HR 4239 and S. 3880 AETA Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act:
HR 4239: c109:5:./temp/~c109mc6UEH::

Award winning
Producer/Director Jill Dolon and President and Founder of the
Unconditional Love Foundation is currently shooting the first in a
series of Documentaries on several animal welfare issues. Their
Voice is a realistic look into the frequently controversial
subject of animal sheltering and pet overpopulation.
Dolon uses the medium of
photography and motion pictures to not only express her beliefs but
also to elicit emotions, educate and inspire the audience. Dolon's
straightforward style will undoubtedly make Their Voice
a powerful and provocative film.
Only with your financial support of
Their Voice will the nation be able to see
the realities of the struggles that orphaned animals and the
professionals who care for them face everyday. For more information
contact Jill at
or 765-287-9043. To make a tax deductible contribution toward
Their Voice send a check to the Unconditional
Love Foundation 4319 W. Clara Lane #285 Muncie, IN 47304 or
donate through paypal to
Anyone who makes a donation will be thanked in the credits. Names
can be listed under special thanks or if making a donation in a
loved ones or pets memory under in memory. Please specify which
when making a donation.
League of
Humane Voters-California Chapter
Governor Alert
(May distribute widely)

SB 1578 (Lowenthall)
The Anti- Dog Chaining Bill
Freedom for thousands...
forever! Only a signature away!
Governor Schwarzenegger
signs this bill by September 29th or it is DEAD!
1) Animal activists donated money and
walked precints to elect Alan Lowenthall
2) Senator Lowenthall has endured public
ridicule to stand up for this importance piece of legislation
3) Thousands of hours of political
activists time, a payed lobbyist, impassioned letters from animal lovers
to get this bill through the legislature.
If the Governor is not
moved to sign this bill... it was all for nothing!
5 DAYS. The opportunity
may never come again.
1 Man...1 Letter...1 Phone
call...1 E-mail
What if we fail and you did nothing? Would it
have taken just one more letter-just one more fax-just one more call? It
is not about the animal abusers any longer. It is about us.
Actions in order of
The Governors Address:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
(Letters need to be in the mail by Monday at 10:00pm)
The Governors Phone Number:
Press 1 for English
Press 2 to voice your opinion on legislation
Press 4 for senate bill 1578
Press 1 to support
The Governors Fax Number:
(916) 445-4633
(can be tough getting through this week)
The Governors E-mail
(easiest to do, least effective in influencing him)
She only has until
Friday early AM.
Look at this lovely girl. People pay a fortune for these
"designer" dogs and here is a young girl just waiting for
you at this high kill pound. PLease hurry!!!!! There are
many more wonderful dogs there too!
Retriever,Poodle Mix
Age: Baby
Gender: Female
owner surrender..spayed, nice dog, good with kids, needs
energetic family...Available for a limited time from the
Carroll County Dog Pound, 2185 Kensington Rd. NE,
Route 9, Carrollton, Ohio 44615. Located
southeast of the Akron/Canton area. Please call the dog
warden at 330-627-4244 for further details
Katrina one year later |
A dog rescued in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina is brought to safety. |
This week marks the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. As I
look back on both the tragic event itself and the weeks that followed
the disaster on the Gulf Coast of the United States, I am filled with
both pride and resolve.
Pride. Approximately 15,000 animals were rescued by
IFAW and other humane organizations under extremely challenging
conditions. Despite its many tragedies, Katrina served as an example to
all how far people will go to risk their lives for their animals. This
was a wake-up call to government that pets cannot be treated like
And just a few weeks ago, the U.S. Senate passed the Pets Evacuation
and Transportation Standards (PETS) Act, which requires local and state
disaster plans to include provisions for household pets and service
animals in the event of a major disaster or emergency. This bill will
now go back to the House for consideration and you can urge
Congress to show its support here.
Resolve. Despite these incredible successes, an
estimated 250,000 pets were left on their own to fend for themselves in
an abandoned city after Katrina hit. The hurricane exposed the gap
between owners’ devotion to their pets and the inability of shelters and
rescue officials to provide for them.
People must have a plan for evacuating a major disaster with their pets
. Leaving them behind should not be an option.
Here are a few of the things IFAW is currently working on now to help
make sure pets are not forgotten when the next disaster strikes:
- Organizing and training NGOs in better animal search and rescue
techniques as well as how to provide more efficient and safer
emergency shelters.
- IFAW, along with several other major humane
organizations, initiated collaborative spay and neuter efforts in the
US gulf coast states of Louisiana and Mississippi. We are also
conducting a survey of pet owners in the area to determine where
animal welfare education is most needed.
The two year collaborative project includes
voucher programs that use local vets, fixed high volume clinics
servicing a 90 miles radius in each state and a mobile spay and neuter
clinic servicing areas not provided for by the fixed clinics. It is
estimated that over 50,000 surgeries can be conducted in the first two
years, resulting in fewer animals euthanized by local humane shelters
and animal control groups. So far the voucher program has sterilized
over 800 animals and distributed 1,586 vouchers in Mississippi as well
as many in some of the hardest-hit parishes of New Orleans.
- IFAW has offered to be on standby for search and rescue efforts and
emergency sheltering in Louisiana should disaster strike here again.
- Purchased a new trailer with state-of-the-art
communications equipment that will enable us to work more efficiently
with local, state and federal agencies and other NGO's to get
information out to the public quicker.
I am continuously humbled by our encounters with the survivors of
natural disasters who risk everything to protect and reunite with their
From tales of incredible determination and courage, to stories of hope
and perseverance, our animal rescue workers have been extremely
privileged to be a part of so many extraordinary examples of the bond
between humans and animals that clearly illustrate the compassion people
have for their pets during the most difficult of times.
I thank you for being a part of this incredible recovery effort which
continues today.

Fred O’Regan
President and CEO, IFAW
P.S.You can read more about IFAW’s emergency relief
efforts around the world, including the latest news about Katrina pets,
on our new
Animal Rescue Blog. |
During last year’s devastating
hurricanes and floods in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, one
lesson was made abundantly clear: many families did not have
evacuation plans. To help get the word out about the
importance of disaster planning—and how crucial it is to
include pets in those plans—the ASPCA Humane Education
department has prepared a special issue on emergency
preparedness for the ASPCA AnimaLessons teacher
newsletter.Creating a disaster
preparedness plan should be a family affair, but planning can
readily be incorporated into daily classroom curriculum. Our
ASPCA Humane Education experts suggest some easy ways for
teachers to get started:
- A great first step for a child is knowing his or her own
address and phone number, and also the address and phone
number of a close relative or friend outside of the immediate
- Another important way your students
can plan is to carry a recent picture of themselves with their
pet in a wallet or purse, with the pet’s name, address and
phone number written on the back.
- Students can create Evac-Packs for
their pets. Some important items to include in the pet’s pack
are extra leashes, dry or canned food, bottled water, a clean
bowl, blanket, chew toys, identification, medical history, and
a recent photo of the pet.
For additional ideas on how to
incorporate emergency planning in the curriculum—including an
activity on creating pet identification cards, a
letter-writing activity encouraging students to write to
government officials, and a math quiz—please check out the
current issue of
ASPCA AnimaLessons
California Residents
California, U.S.
We Need Your Help: Anti-Chaining Bill Under Attack! Urge
California Assembly Members to Vote for SB 1578
SB 1578, the California Animal Association-sponsored bill to
ban dog chaining as the primary means of confinement, is set for
a vote on the Assembly floor probably within the next week to 10
SB 1578 faced little opposition until it arrived in the
Assembly, at which point hunters and lobbyists for the
agricultural community emerged to fight against any restriction
on tethering their dogs. CAA has already taken amendments that
provide exemptions for hunting and agricultural situations where
the safety of the dog is an issue. However, the hunters and
agricultural community want blanket exemptions, including the
ability to tether their dogs continuously at their place of
residence. These two interest groups are now on the attack and
contacting assembly offices to urge opposition to the bill.
What you can do to help: • It is important to only
contact your own assembly member, as mail or calls received from
non-constituents will not be considered by the legislator.
• Faxes or mail (if there's time) are preferred since email
communications carry less weight.
• Be sure to include your name and address in all
communications to ensure they know you are a constituent.
• If you don't have time for a letter, a phone call will also
Go to to identify your legislator
and find contact information.
The following are legislative districts where we particularly
need help in convincing the legislator to vote for SB 1578. If
you are a resident of any of these districts, please act as soon
as possible and also forward this alert to other animal
advocates in your area.
Assembly Member Juan Arambula
Representing District 31 which includes the Fresno County cities
of Caruthers, Firebaugh, Fowler, Kerman, Mendota, Parlier,
Reedley, Sanger, San Joaquin, Selma, Tranquillity, and portions
of Fresno, and the Tulare County cities of Cutler-Orosi and
Dinuba. Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0031
Tel: (916) 319 - 2031
Fax: (916) 319 - 2131
Email via website at:
Assembly Member Joe Baca
Representing District 62 which includes the cities of San
Bernardino, Fontana, Rialto, and Colton. Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0062
Tel: (916) 319-2062
Fax: (916) 319-2162
Assembly Member Joe Canciamilla
Representing District 11 which includes the cities of Antioch,
Concord, Martinez, and Pittsburg and other parts of Contra Costa
Contact info:
State Capitol,
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0011
Tel: (916) 319-2011
Fax: (916) 319-2111
Email via website at
Assembly Member Jerome Horton
Representing District 51 which includes: the city of Inglewood
and surrounding area.
Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0051
Tel: (916) 319-2051
Fax: (916) 319-2151
Assembly Member Johan Klehs
Representing District 18 which includes: San Leandro, Hayward,
Dublin, most of Castro Valley and Pleasanton, and a portion of
Oakland, as well as the unincorporated areas of Ashland,
Cherryland and San Lorenzo.
Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Tel: (916) 319-2018
Fax: (916) 319-2118
Email via website at:
Assembly Member Barbara Matthews
Representing District 17 which includes: the cities of Stockton,
Tracy, Merced and surrounding areas.
Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0017
Tel: (916) 319-2017
Fax: (916) 319-2117
Assembly Member Nicole Parra
Representing District 30 which includes: portions of Fresno
County, Tulare County, Kern County and all of Kings County.
Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0030
Tel: (916) 319 - 2030
Fax: (916) 319 - 2130
Assembly Member Alberto Torrico
Representing District 20 which includes Fremont, Newark, Union
City, Milpitas and parts of San Jose, Hayward, Castro Valley and
Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0020
Tel: (916) 319-2020
Email: (916) 319-2120 fax
Assembly Member Tom Umberg
Representing District 69: Including the City of Santa Ana and
portions of Anaheim and Garden Grove, which are located in the
heart of Central Orange County.
Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0069
Tel: (916) 319-2069
Fax: (916) 319-2169
Email: via website at
Assembly Member Lois Wolk
Representing District 8 which includes Yolo and Solano counties.
Contact info:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0008
(916) 319-2008
(916) 319-2108 fax
Dear Assembly Member,
I am writing to ask for your support for SB 1578, a bill that
would ban the practice of chaining or tethering a dog to a
stationary object as the primary means of confinement. There are
compelling public safety and animal protection reasons to enact
such legislation in California.
Experts agree that chained dogs can become aggressive due to
intense confinement, lack of socialization, and the inability to
escape from perceived threats. According to media reports, in
the period between February 2000 and January 2006 at least 107
people were attacked or killed by chained dogs in the United
States. About two thirds of those incidents (75) involved
children. In a time when many Californians are concerned about
dog bites and aggressive dog situations, SB 1578 can help animal
control representatives provide additional protection of dogs
and prevention of dog bites in our communities.
Chaining dogs is also inhumane and unsafe for these social
animals. Chained dogs typically lack adequate veterinary care,
food, water, or shelter. They rarely are exercised or interact
with their families – an unhappy existence for such social
animals. Sadly, continually chained dogs can suffer injuries
when their collars become embedded in their necks or even
strangle to death when their chains become entangled with other
California animal control representatives are already
spending time and resources responding to reports of chained,
neglected, and abused dogs. SB 1578 will give animal control an
additional tool to protect our canine companions from long-term
neglect during their normal enforcement duties without creating
any additional fiscal responsibilities. Amendments have also
been taken to address situations where dogs need to be tethered
for their own safety, such as during agricultural operations or
licensed hunting activities.
We ask for your support of this important public safety and
animal protection measure.
Pam Runquist
Director of Companion Animal Issues
Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights
PO Box 208
Davis, CA 95617-0208
Tel: (530) 759-8106
Tamar Sherman
Dogs Deserve Better Area Rep
San Jose, CA 95127
In the latest war in the
Middle East, animals have been among the most forgotten victims.
But not for you. In fact,
you’ve been the main lifeline to save hundreds of dogs and cats
from the chaos and carnage in Lebanon. Since my last e-mail,
you’ve donated more than $25,000 to the Best Friends Rescue Fund
for the folks at BETA (Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals) to care for the dogs and cats they’ve moved from
shelters that were damaged in the bombing raids.
Last week, they were also
featured on ABC World News Tonight, and more than 100 people
called BETA offering to adopt the dogs. (We’ve heard that
Nightline is planning to cover the story, too, this week.)
More news about this
rescue effort is at
NEXT STEPS: Working with
BETA, we’ve looked into lots of possible options for these dogs.
But there’s so much damage to the country that taking care of
them there, finding them new homes in the region, or moving them
one at a time to new situations is pretty much impossible.
So we’ve agreed to have
Best Friends be the staging area for adoptions in the United
States. We can provide all the health and behavior assessments
and home checks, and then the dogs will be able to go directly
(Some people may ask why
we’re helping animals abroad when the needs are still great in
our own country. But this important rescue effort won't affect
the regular work of Best Friends, and we see it as a major
opportunity to show the value of kindness and caring in a region
that’s so dominated by hatred and violence.)
Placing the dogs in new
homes will, in many ways, be the easy part. Bringing them out of
Lebanon to safety is a greater challenge. So:
THE PLAN is to fly all 150
dogs to the United States as soon as possible. Most likely we’ll
need to drive them from Lebanon to Jordan and fly them from
there. And once they’re at Best Friends, we’ll give them further
health and behavior checkups, and move them to their new homes
as quickly as possible.
(After Hurricane Katrina,
incidentally, we were able to get help chartering planes that
could carry large numbers of dogs to safety, so we’re going to
try the same thing again. It’s a longer distance this time, and
will be more expensive. But, between us all, we can do it.)
DETAILS: We’ll keep you
up to date on how these plans are transpiring on the Best
Friends Network website at
* YOUR DONATION, large or
small, for this rescue effort is invaluable. To add your support
to the Best Friends Rescue Fund, please go to:
THE AIR TRAVEL WORLD? We need to evacuate the dogs in just one
or a very few large loads. If you can help organize and/or
secure the donation of such a flight, this will be a huge help.
Please e-mail
* ADOPTIONS: We already
have a lot of adoption applications, and we’ll be taking more.
But right now we need to focus on the evacuation. So we'll let
you know more about adoptions later.
* CATS: Yes, cat lovers,
there are cats, too! But they don’t yet have health
certificates, and there are some other issues to be sorted out
before we can start working on that. Meanwhile, we have plenty
on our hands getting the dogs taken care of. So we’ll have more
on the cats after that.
Again, you can get
up-to-date news every day at:
Thanks so much. And please
keep this major rescue effort in your thoughts and prayers, too.
Together, we can all play a part in salvaging some truly
innocent creatures from the carnage of war.
Michael Mountain
Best Friends Animal
Society |
Immediate Release
beaten, abused horses stopped in Arkansas
Congress to act on bill to stop horse slaughter
in September
Dixie Wilson/ARTEX
One of
the horses with severe facial and head
10, 2006) - Just days after a
committee of the U.S. House of Representatives
tried to kill legislation aimed at curtailing
commercial horse slaughter in the United States,
a Mississippi man hauling 19 horses to a Texas
slaughterhouse has been charged with animal
cruelty involving horses in Arkansas.
Bryan Morgan of
Belmont, MS was charged with five counts of
animal cruelty under Arkansas state law in
Texarkana this week after eyewitness testimony,
photographs and video showed 19 horses being
transported in a single trailer to the BelTex
slaughterhouse in Fort Worth were badly injured
and abused.
"This only further
demonstrates the immediate need for my
legislation to be passed and signed into law,”
said Rep. John Sweeney (R-NY), who with Rep.
John Spratt (D-SC) and Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY)
is leading the fight to outlaw horse slaughter.
“This is a perfect example of why I am so
committed to seeing an end to this brutal
practice as quickly as possible."
Although it is
what one congressional witness, Texas oilman T.
Boone Pickens, called “America’s dirty little
secret,” some 90,000 horses are hauled to three
U.S. slaughterhouses in Texas and Illinois each
year and butchered for human consumption, with
the meat exported to Europe and Asia and sold as
a delicacy in high end restaurants.
“If there were any
doubt that the horse slaughter industry leads
to cruelty and abuse of horses, this erases it
with graphic reality,” said Chris Heyde, deputy
legislative director of the
for Animal Protective Legislation
(SAPL), based in Washington, D.C. The
American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (H.R.
503) is scheduled to be voted on by the
House of Representatives in early September.
In the Arkansas
case, Morgan picked up the horses in Mississippi
and was driving to Fort Worth when the trailer
he was pulling blew two tires and forced him to
stop in Texarkana for repairs. Employees at the
shop called local police after noticing several
horses had abrasions and marks across their
faces and bodies, including one with facial
gashes and swollen eyes.
“It looked like
someone took a baseball bat and beat the hell
out of the horse,” said Greg Fett, manager of
GCR Tires in Texarkana.
Twenty citations
for animal cruelty were initially written by
local police, after which Morgan was allowed to
drive the horses on to the slaughterhouse. This
incident illustrates how woefully inadequate the
regulations of the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) are in ensuring the humane
treatment of horses being transported to
slaughter facilities.
“The local police
in Texarkana were particularly diligent in this
situation,” said SAPL legal counsel Tracy
Silverman. “Often we just never hear about
these cases and
thankfully responsible citizens alerted
authorities to the severely injured animals.”
At a hearing
before the House Agriculture Committee on July
28, Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) condemned the
legislation that would stop commercial horse
slaughter as an unwarranted intrusion on the
rights of horse owners. The committee allowed
the bill to go to the House floor for a vote,
but only after deriding it as unnecessary
and unfair to horse owners.
SAPL will assist
in the prosecution of Morgan and is
filing a formal complaint with the USDA against
Robbie Solomon of Belmont, MS, the owner and
shipper of the horses, for violating
several federal regulations regarding the
commercial transportation of horses to
For More
Information or Photos Contact:
Alex Howe, Fenton
Communications (202) 822-5200
Chris Heyde, SAPL Deputy Legislative Director
(703) 836-4300
Light a candle to end horse
slaughter for human consumption. Let's
put an end to the barbaric treatment of
our beloved friends. HR 503 is up for a
vote in September in the House of
Representatives. There are 2 versions.
We must make sure our Reps vote for the
unamended version since Bob Goodlatte and
his band of evil committee men gutted the
original in the Agriculture Committee and
both will be on the floor for the vote.
The gutted amendment is worse than no
Please, this is critical
and urgent to save thousands of horses
from the horrors of the slaughterhouse.
This is no way to treat a friend.
Please come read more truth and see pics of how
cruel this is.
I just got horrible
news and I need your help: the U.S. Forest Service has proposed making it
easier to kill more wolves, bears, and other carnivores in places meant to
be wild and free. Worse, we only have until August 7 to stop them.
They want to use an array of poisons, traps and shooting -- including
aerial gunning -- to wipe out wolves and other carnivores in federally
designated wilderness areas. Please make sure this terrible plan doesn't
become a reality!
Take action now. Tell the U.S. Forest Service to withdraw this ill-advised
proposal. Submit your personalized comments before the August 7th deadline!
Under the proposal, federal agents could chase down and kill bears or
other carnivores using planes, helicopters, and all-terrain vehicles --
invading areas once safe for these creatures with loud, intrusive machines.
The proposal also allows for the use of the controversial pesticide sodium
cyanide. Baited devices could be used to shoot this highly toxic gas into a
wolf's mouth, causing a horrible death.
Wildlife Services, the agency that would be put in charge, has a grim track
record. In 2004 alone, Wildlife Services agents killed more than 37,000
animals -- coyotes, wolves, foxes, and bobcats -- from the air.
Wolves, bears, coyotes, cougars and other carnivores play an important role
in the ecological balance of our wilderness areas. They are essential
species that keep other wildlife populations in check by preventing
overpopulation and habitat damage.
Help stop this harmful proposal from becoming a reality! Submit your
comments today.
Wilderness areas were meant to be wild and free. According to the 1964
Wilderness Act, these special places should be preserved in their natural
conditions with little or no human influence. But the Forest Service's
plan could fundamentally alter these largely untouched areas, allowing
low-flying airplanes, trucks and all-terrain vehicles to hunt down
populations of wolves, bears and other carnivores.
Title: To amend the Robert T.
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to ensure that State
and local emergency preparedness operational plans address the needs of
individuals with household pets and service animals following a major
disaster or emergency.
Rep Lantos, Tom [CA-12] (introduced 9/22/2005) Cosponsors
Related Bills:
Latest Major Action: 5/22/2006
Passed/agreed to in House. Status:
On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and
Nays: (2/3 required): 349 - 24 (Roll no. 178).
Fenced In |
August 10, 2006 |
Dog-proof your yard to prevent loss or injury.
Remove any toxic materials that your dog could eat
and surround your yard with a strong fence -- wood, chain, or
electronic. Make sure it's the right height. If your dog can look over
the fence while standing on his hind legs, there is a chance the
collar will get caught, which may choke him. A breakaway collar,
designed to break open when pressure is applied, will help prevent
such accidents in an unsupervised yard. |
Hyperthyroidism is diagnosed so often in cats that it has practically
become an epidemic. It is rarely seen in dogs. It is more common in older
cats, but may be seen in younger cats as well. Hyperthyroidism seems to be
more common among cats that have been fed sub-standard nutrition and food
containing artificial preservatives. Some holistic veterinarians feel they
have seen an increase in hyperthyroidism that corresponds to the increased
vaccination rate for feline leukemia. Viral and bacterial infections can
also play a roll, as well as environmental toxins.
Prevention of hypothyroidism is the best approach through proper diet and
daily supplements, avoiding unnecessary vaccines, and minimizing exposure
to chemical or environmental hazards including cleaning products, X rays,
antibiotics and food preservatives.
From Animal in Print 7/21/06:
here: - Buddy: The Surfing Dog
Jul 24, 2006 9:57 pm US/Central
Buddy: The Surfing Dog
(CBS) Summer in Southern California means surfs up
for everyone--even the dog.
“Buddy is a very playful dog and he's a family dog its all
about love,” owner Bruce Hooker said. “He loves to play
with the kids and us and whatever we're doing he wants to
do with us.”
Buddy is an 8-year-old Jack Russell terrier, with lots of
energy. He's been surfing the Ventura coast since he was
two, astonishing everyone who sees him.
Hooker says he didn’t start out actually trying to teach
Buddy to surf.
“I don't think you can do that with a dog,” Hooker said.
“Once he got on the board then he got the surf stoke. He
decided it was something he absolutely loved.”
What To Do When Your Dog Is Choking
Choking In your pet is a serious situation. Here are some tips on how to
handle such an emergency.
IMPORTANT Do not pull thread or string from
the dog's throat. A needle or hook may be attached.
Get to a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Symptoms Violent pawing at the face. Gasping
and gulping. Great agitation and anxiety.
1. Restrain the dog. Open its mouth wide and pull out its tongue with
your fingers or a cloth. Holding the tongue, look deeply into the dog's
throat with a bright light.
2A. If you can see the obstruction, grasp it
firmly and gently remove it.
2B. If you cannot see the obstruction, lay
the dog on its side, place your palms just behind the last rib and give
4 quick thrusts. Recheck the throat. Repeat thrusts
if necessary.
of scooping up dog piles all over your yard? A pen for potty training
may be the right solution for your pooch.
Build a basic pen in your backyard and set up a schedule of mealtimes,
playtimes, and naps for your pet. Allow time for potty breaks after each
activity. Escort her out to the pen and give her a potty command, such
as "Go now." Pick a short phrase, and use it every time you want her to
go. Nothing happening within a few minutes? Walk away with her and try
again 10 or 15 minutes later, or earlier if she starts sniffing around
for a place to go. Be patient, and if she does have an accident, quickly
take her out to the pen and praise her so she links going potty with
that location.
It’s summertime, and the living isn’t always easy for
our animal companions. Dogs and cats can suffer from the
same problems that humans do—overheating, dehydration and
even sunburn—when the mercury rises. By taking these simple
precautions, you can keep your animal companions happy and
healthy in the hot weather:
* Exercise your dog in the cool of the early morning or
evening--never when it's extremely hot or humid. Take care
not to let your dog stand on hot asphalt, as his sensitive
paw pads can easily burn.
* Provide plenty of shade and cool, clean water for
animals kept outdoors. And please bring your cat or dog
inside during the hottest part of the day to rest in a cool
part of the house.
* Never leave your animal alone in a vehicle. Overheating
can be fatal. Even with the doors open, a parked automobile
can become a furnace in no time. Parking in the shade offers
little protection, as the sun constantly shifts during the
* Some animals will need extra care in hot weather,
especially those who are elderly, overweight or have heart
or lung disease. Certain breeds of dogs, including pugs,
bulldogs, Lhasa apsos, Pekingese, Boston terriers and shih
tzus, also need extra attention on hot days. If your pet is
showing signs of heatstroke or exhaustion, take him to your
veterinarian immediately.
For more on how to keep your companions cool, please
ASPCA online, where you can also watch a short video on
hot weather tips featuring our very own Dr. Z. And P.S., if
you’re going to be traveling with your pets this summer,
please read our
guidelines for safe air travel.
Landlord/Tenant/Guardianships/Trusts/Wills for Companion Pets
Saturday, AUGUST 12th
Knowledge of the law can help tenants with birds keep their apartments
even with a "no pet" clause.There are two types of defenses to keeping an
animal in NYC rental, cooperative, or condominium housing. One is the New
York City Pet Law, which says if you have a pet or pet and the landlord
fails to commence an action within three months of gaining knowledge of
the pet, any " no pet clause" in the lease is deemed waived. Another type
of defense is provided by the Fair Housing Act, which gives a tenant with
any mental or physical impairment the right to a reasonable accommodation
which can include non-enforcement of a rule such as a "no pet" clause. NYC
renters may also be subject to complaints of nuisance if they can be
proven to be a "substantial interference with the comfort and safety of
other tenants.
Frances Carlisle is a trusts and estates attorney practicing in New York
City. Her estate planning work for clients includes the preparation of
wills and trusts, including trusts for animals. Ms. Carlisle has a B. A.
from Barnard College, an M. S. from Columbia University and a J. D. from
the University of California at Davis. She is admitted to practice law in
New York, New Jersey, Florida and California. She is member of the
Association of the Bar of the City of New York’s Committee on Legal Issues
pertaining to Animals, and the American Bar Association’s Animal Law
Committee. She on the boards of several charities which help animals
including Legal Action for Animals and The Toby Fund. She has written
articles and is a frequent lecturer on the topic of estate planning. She
has appeared on various television shows to discuss the importance of
estate planning to provide for the continuing care of companion animals.
I've always been fond of dolphins. They can glide through the water
and can burst above the surface like aquatic acrobats. Their highly
developed and sensitive sonar has often been likened to language.
But plans to drill off our shores pose a grave threat to these
magnificent creatures. And Big Oil is closer than ever to making their
plans a reality. Closer to bringing more rigs that spew toxins
that can poison and kill dolphins. Closer to bringing
more seismic blasting that interferes with their sonar and can confuse
and drown these marine mammals. Closer to bringing more
risk of their homes slicked with crude oil.
But Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund is coming out swinging for our
dolphins and other coastal wildlife that stand to lose if Big Oil wins.
You can help Beat Back Big Oil -- and keep our dolphins safe for
future generations. Please make a donation of
$100 or
This week Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund began airing hard-hitting
ads aimed at securing our coasts against harmful offshore drilling. And
our advocates continue their intense meetings on Capitol Hill.
Unfortunately, the Senate is dangerously close to finalizing a
deal that would allow drilling off Florida’s shores --
and a vote could come as
early as next week. If the deal holds up, it
could pave the way for lifting the 25-year-old drilling ban off
America’s entire coast -- risking not just dolphins, but
California’s sea otters, Virginia’s sea turtles and all wildlife that
depend on clean, healthy shores.
We’re facing an uphill battle. But we’re fighting back -- and you can
Save Dolphins
From Big Oil

Time is running out to save our dolphins and our beaches.
Our ads are now running in Florida, our grassroots are
mobilizing. Will you help us reach our goal of $60,000 by next
want to Beat Back Big Oil’s Assault on Our Wildlife and keep our
beaches and the wildlife that depend on them safe from Big Oil’s
rigs. |
Three Boys Rescue Starving Pit Bull Pup
April 12, 2006
05:24 PM
-- Three young children are being honored by the Louisville
Kennel Club, after they saved the life of a dog left for dead.
Unfazed by the horrid conditions, or that the animal abandoned
was a pit bull, these three "canine heroes" learned there's more
to a dog, than meets the eye. WAVE 3 Investigator
Eric Flack has their story.
Ten-year-old Nick Peak, 11-year-old Wyatt Medley, and his
6-year-old brother, Tristen, like to watch out for their
"They're always rescuing something whether it be a salamander
or a bug," says Wyatt and Tristen's mom, Robin.
So they boys weren't bothered when the animal that needed
saving was a pit bull named "Bush."
"It would take a kid to do it honestly," said Lindsay
Simmons, a Vet Tech at Stonefield Veterinary Associates in
Louisville, which is now caring for Bush. "Because they don't
know the hype, they don't know all the misconceptions."
The boys heard the call for help a couple weeks ago, while
clearing brush behind their southwest Jefferson County homes.
"It sounded like a screeching kind of bark," Nick remembered.
They followed the howls to a chain link pen four doors down.
"The dog seemed kind of friendly," Wyatt said. "So we went in
and there was poop everywhere."
Bush was starving. For food, water -- and attention.
"He was excited," Nick said. "He was jumping all the way up
and touching the roof," Wyatt added, touching his hand to the
tin roof of the 5-foot pen.
Bush had been abandoned for weeks. His owners moved out and
just left him behind.
Knowing the breed, and its reputation, the boys decided their
options were limited.
"If the pound would get it, they would kill it because they
don't accept those dogs," Nick realized.
So Nick, Wyatt and Tristen decided they would take care of
Bush. The water came from a nearby creek. The boys snuck food
from homes.
For two weeks, the boys cared for bush behind their parents'
back. But the dog was still losing weight -- from worms as it
turned out. So the boys finally came clean, with just one
request: don't let them put Bush to sleep.
"I mean if I didn't already have two dogs and two cats myself
we would probably have the dog," Robin Medley said.
Instead, she called her councilman, who called the Louisville
Kennel Club, who called Stonefield last Friday.
"We've all fallen in love with him," Simmons said as she held
Bush in her lap.
For sure, Bush, about as calm and docile a pit bull as they
come, has a fan club.
"He's really awesome. He loves everybody," Simmons said.
"He's a happy boy."
Dr. Curt Oliver and his staff nursed Bush back to health. All
he needs now, is a good home.
"And after what he's been through," Dr. Oliver said, "he
deserves it."
You don't have to be a doctor to figure that out.
"We hope it gets a good home and nobody treats it like it
used to be treated," Wyatt said.
If you are interested in adopting Bush, call Royalton Kennels
at 502-239-7317.
For their efforts, all three boys were given memberships to
the Louisville Zoo for kindness to an animal in distress.
Online Reporter:
Eric Flack
Online Producer:
Michael Dever
As we mark the 36th anniversary of
Earth Day, our
nation’s wolves are under assault. That is why Defenders of
Wildlife is asking you to join with us this Earth Day by
adopting a wolf.
We urgently need your help. Here are just a few of
the threats facing wolves today.
In Alaska, nearly 500 wolves have been slaughtered
under that state’s barbaric aerial gunning program that allows
marksmen to gun down wolves from the air, or chase them to
exhaustion and then land and shoot them. Hundreds more are slated
to die. To help us end this horrific practice,
adopt a wolf today!
The Federal Government has turned over wolf
management to the state of Idaho which has vowed to rid the state of
wolves “by any means necessary.” Now the state has plans to
eliminate 75% of the wolves in the Clearwater National Forest. Help
us stop them by
adopting a wolf today!
Your tax-deductible wolf adoption gift will help
fund media, public outreach and grassroots efforts to protect
wolves. When you
adopt a wolf we’ll send you or someone you choose a plush wolf
toy and certificate of adoption suitable for framing.
Animals In
Grandin, Dr. Temple
the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior Temple Grandin's
Animals in Translation speaks in the clear voice of a woman who
emerged from the other side of autism, bringing with her an
extraordinary message about how animals think and feel. Temple's
professional training as an animal scientist and her history as a person
with autism have given her a perspective like that of no other expert in
the field. Standing at the intersection of autism and animals, she
offers unparalleled observations and groundbreaking ideas about both.
Autistic people
can often think the way animals think -- in fact, Grandin and co-author
Catherine Johnson see autism as a kind of way station on the road from
animals to humans -- putting autistic people in the perfect position to
translate "animal talk." Temple is a faithful guide into their world,
exploring animal pain, fear, aggression, love, friendship,
communication, learning, and, yes, even animal genius. Not only are
animals much smarter than anyone ever imagined, in some cases animals
are out-and-out brilliant.
The sweep of
Animals in Translation is immense, merging an animal scientist's
thirty years of study with her keen perceptions as a person with autism
-- Temple sees what others cannot.
Order Now! |
said that "you can tell the moral decay of a nation by the
way it treats its animals" AMERICAN'S MORALS ARE
Dealing Dogs Home |
Synopsis |
Resources |

Dealing Dogs
Each year, 42,000 dogs are sold to veterinary schools and
research labs by Class B dealers, who are required by federal
law to buy the animals from pounds, shelters and small
breeders and to treat them humanely. However, many Class B
dealers violate the law. DEALING DOGS exposes the abuses that
took place at one of America's most notorious Class B dealers
- Martin Creek Kennel in Arkansas. Premieres Tuesday,
February 21 at 10pm (ET/PT).
Class B
dealers operate under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Agriculture and are required by law to treat animals humanely.
They are also required to purchase animals only when sellers
have all appropriate documentation. Apparently, some dealers
ignore these requirements while also purchasing animals that
may be strays or may have been stolen directly from owners'
Four years in the making, DEALING DOGS follows the
undercover investigation of Martin Creek Kennel by the animal
rights group Last Chance for Animals. A young man who goes by
the name of "Pete" in the film wore a hidden camera while he
worked a low- level job hosing kennels at the dog dealer. Over
the course of six months, Pete secretly filmed activities at
Martin Creek Kennel, including the beating and shooting of
dogs, and recorded footage of animals that were left to
languish in their kennels and suffered from malnourishment,
life-threatening disease and injury, among other abuses. Dog
corpses are shown piled up on the property and in trenches
after being butchered for their organs.
C.C. Baird and his family owned and operated Martin Creek
Kennel, one of the largest Class B dealers in the United
States, until Last Chance provided the results of their
undercover investigation to federal authorities, who closed
the facility in 2005. Baird's sentencing is expected to take
place this winter.
Filmmakers Tom Simon and Sarah Teale met Pete at the beginning
of his extended odyssey on behalf of Last Chance for Animals,
during which he recorded information and Last Chance presented
incriminating video and photographs to the USDA and federal
courts in Little Rock. Meanwhile, many more Class B dealers
continue to operate without adequate oversight.
Tom Simon is a seven-time Emmy® winner; DEALING DOGS is his
first film for HBO. Sarah Teale's previous America Undercover
credits for HBO include "Bellevue: Inside Out" and "Mumia Abu
Jamal: A Case for Reasonable Doubt?," which received a
CableACE Award.
DEALING DOGS is an HBO Documentary Films Presentation; a
Working Dog/Teale-Edwards Production; produced by Tom Simon
and Sarah Teale; edited by Geof Bartz, A.C.E.; music composed
by Jamie Lawrence; sound and photography, Tom Simon. For HBO:
supervising producer, John Hoffman; executive producer, Sheila
read Washington Post and LA Times Articles on this Documentary

See a Preview
of this shocking new movie from HBO Documentary Films.


Read more about this new movie from HBO Documentary Films.

empathy in kids through humane education: Become a
member and help teach kids compassion.
1915, American Humane has promoted humane education through
the spirit of Be
Kind to Animals Week®. Thanks
to a federal appropriations award, American Humane will be
able to take this message to Colorado schoolchildren using the
resources of Red
Star Emergency Services. Read
more... Who Wants
to Work With Us To Bring This To Utah School Children?
Earn Your Humane Education Specialist
Certification in 2006
NAHEE and Humane Society
University (HSU) offer an online
professional development program for
animal care and control practitioners
and volunteers committed to humane
The Certified Humane
Education Specialist (CHES) program
features a selection of courses that
guide participants in:
Two new courses on
effective classroom presentations and
teaching dog bite prevention to children
will be offered later this year.
Course content is based
on extensive research and includes
engaging activities and a wealth of
practical tips and field-tested
strategies for working with children,
teens, school faculty, and youth
Participants earn a
certificate from HSU for each course
they successfully complete. Upon
completion of four courses, students
will receive Certified Humane Education
Specialist credentials from NAHEE.
Previous teaching experience is not
required. All courses in the program are
self-paced and can be completed in as
little as 2-4 weeks. (Courses can be
taken concurrently.)
The cost is $45 per
course. Visit
to register. |
Administration's HB 1299 Would Allow Importation
of Endanegered Animals and their Parts Like
Elephant Tusks, and more again. PLEASE TELL THE US
Come read how SF rescued whale thanked her

In addition to The Humane
Society of the United States and numerous animal
experts, the U. S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) issued a statement in the July 2, 1996,
Federal Register against tethering:
"Our experience in enforcing the Animal Welfare
Act has led us to conclude that continuous
confinement of dogs by a tether is inhumane. A
tether significantly restricts a dog's movement. A
tether can also become tangled around or hooked on
the dog's shelter structure or other objects,
further restricting the dog's movement and
potentially causing injury."
Dissection Of Live Dog Outrages Parents, Students
BOOK: One at a Time, A Week in an
American Animal Shelter by Geyer and Leigh;
prices available for nonprofit groups; )
The book tells the dispositions of the 363 animals that passed
through the shelter in one week. In words and photos that are
amazingly simple and yet right on target, force us to stare into
the souls of animals that were lost, found, returned to their
owners, adopted into new homes -- and killed. Geyer and
Leigh know that we hold the power to stop millions of deaths.
Their book is a step in the right direction, offering the answer:
Connecticut: Stop the
Sale of Puppies at Pet Stores
Connecticut legislators are now
H.B. 5010,
introduced by Rep. Ruth C. Fahrbach (R, 61). This legislation will
prohibit the sale of dogs under the age of one year by pet
shops. Pet stores often receive their puppies from high-volume
breeding operations commonly referred to as "puppy mills." Puppy
mills are designed to maximize profit, often at the expense of the
dogs' welfare. Because of the horrible conditions at these
facilities, many dogs end up suffering from severe health and
behavioral problems. If passed, H.B. 5010 will ensure that
Connecticut residents are not purchasing pet store puppies with
the behavioral and health problems commonly associated with puppy
mills. In addition, it will encourage the adoption of animals from
shelters and rescue groups, and consequently help to lower
euthanasia rates for the state.
H.B. 5010 will have a public
hearing before the Joint Committee on Environment on March 4th.
Your action is needed now!
Come read
about 14,000 Wild Mustangs ordered to be "slaughtered Dec. 4, 2004 by Montana
Senator and SEnate.
Investigations and Reports
Come read about Puppy
Come read about
Animal Abuse
read the latest Animal Cruelty Cases on the rise
Come see by
state and city how many pets are killed each year for a total of 4.2
Dogs killed in 2002 by state.
read about Animal Shelter Reform
Pets Property or Family Members? Courts need to rule
State Spay/Neuter Campaigns that have worked
Animal Legislation
Help Homeless Animals
saved by SErvice Dog dialing 911
SEROTONIN NIGHTMARE: Are Antidepressant/Serotonine enhancing drugs
causing our youth to become suicidal or murderers?
Stop HOrse Slaughters
A happy ending for the family of a missing Indiana two year old
girl when rescuers followed the tracks of the family dog, Thunder,
and located both the girl and the dog. Thunder was the family's
Black Labrador who according to the girls' mother "she didn't even
like the dog and I was going to give it away" It seems like
Thunder has earned his rightful place in the family household - at
least he showed the common sense to keep an eye on the little
Missing girl found
OK, protected by dog Thunder
Bethlehem, Indiana-AP -- A
two-year-old girl who wandered away from her Ohio River home
yesterday was found this morning, protected by her family's
Labrador retriever.She was checked out by paramedics and returned
to her parents. Daisy Smith was reported missing from her home in
Bethlehem, Indiana, last evening. The family dog, named Thunder,
was also missing.
Searchers followed the dog's tracks and eventually found the dog
and the girl about 15 feet from the Ohio River. At first,
Thunder didn't permit rescuers to approach Daisy. About 90 people
and an Indiana State Police helicopter took part in the overnight
Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights
Answers to all Your Questions About Pets Here
Hey Kids come read all about how
to care for your dog or cat at Animaland!
As well as this
nationally recognized site:
out about Safety for your children and your new pet:
Congratulations and
admiration goes out to Dawn Buhlman of HEART for making West Valley Animal
Shelter a responsible, caring and no kill shelter working with rescues for over
10 years, and now
working with Tooele Animal Shelter to help those thousands of wonderful and
helpless dogs and cats. Go adopt one from the Tooele Walmart where you
have a better selection since there are so many!
Click here to find out more. Find out about "Best
Friend Forgotten," a documentary about pet overpopulation with
the actor from Xfiles, coming to SLC.
A Very Big Congratulations to
Julie Williams who
started her own 4-H Kids Dog Training, started training the hard to
place dogs from Sanpete Animal Shelter and then started her own
amazing rescue in Gunnison Utah called Wag_n-Train that
rescued and placed over 140 dogs through using the internet last
year. The dogs are socialized and trained, and Julie offers
continued training for the owners. Way to go girl! We are so proud of you!
Julie was one of our first foster homes 6 years ago that rescued
Prince the Irish Wolfhound mix, that is spoiled by George Anne that
cooks all his meals.
In Need under the wonderful direction of Karen Odonnell has won
their legal right to build their animal shelter for 30 homeless
dogs. congratulations! thank you for the nice note, and thank
you channel 4 for such a great coverage!
Where did this come from? It's wonderful!!
I don't think a lot of this would have been possible without your
help Denise.
All of us here thank you from deep in our hearts and will be
grateful for many many years..
Shelters, Organizations, Volunteers and Friends of Animals The USPS
is no longer selling the spay & neuter stamps and has decided
not to reproduce them. PLEASE write to the USPS and tell them that
you encourage them to produce more of these important stamps!!!!
They have received a lot of feedback from people who want to
continue to buy them....if enough people get on board there might be
a chance that they will put them back on the shelves. Please write
to: USPS Stamp Development 475 L'enfant Plaza SW Room 5670
Washington DC 20260-2437 Please spread the word as we need to save
these stamps from being stopped by the USPS.
Dear Animal Lovers
and Friends of Animals
I signed this petition to help be a voice for the
animals and thought you might want to do the same and
visit PAW website to also sign their Spay / Neuter No-Kill
petition and
also be a voice for the animals.
Their petition is located at:

take a look and consider signing this important petition yourself
and forwarding it to other animal-lovers and friends that can help
Every year six million companion animals die in kill shelters all
across America, over 16,000 puppies, kitten's dogs and cats per
day, with no voice fighting for them.
PAW is trying
to get friends, family, animal organizations, animal lovers,
volunteers involved in every state in America to participate
and represent to be a voice for the animals who cannot
speak to help collect signatures.
We are looking for team
leaders in every state to help keep this petition
drive going so that our signatures and voices can be heard and
passed on to all public county and state officials of each
state to help introduce, pass and make available
FREE Spay / Neuter programs . You can read more on our petition
on our website, how one public county animal shelter in
Florida has already implemented a Free Spay / Neuter program that
is offered to all thier county residents that is making a
We value your
support for being a Voice for the many animals in your
State that cannot speak. Please take the time to support
this ongoing Spay/ Neuter Petition Drive in your State. Through
your help we can make a difference to help save more homeless
animals from being born, that would end up to be killed
in a society that does not care. PAW thanks you in advance
for any time and help you may give to this National petition
PAW and all the animals who cannot speak
thank you in advance for any time and help you may give
to this National petition campaign. Help Us Help Them!
Please Pass it on...................
NBC News
"Puppy love -- it's better than you think
Pets trigger our 'feel good' hormones, research suggests:
It's well known that pets, especially dogs, offer their owners
many health benefits. Now scientists say dogs may help us even
more than once thought.
Those big brown eyes gazing at you with complete adoration. The
cool, wet nose nudging bare feet in the early morning. That
tireless wagging tail that symbolizes pure joy in your presence.
We know that dogs are dedicated companions that offer
unquestioning attachment and acceptance. In the past several
years, mounting scientific evidence suggests that they benefit
us even beyond eager devotion. Numerous studies have shown that
dogs -- one of the earliest domesticated animals -- can help
lower blood pressure, ease the loneliness of the elderly in
nursing homes, and help children overcome allergies."
This latest bullet
was aimed at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which
is still under attack by Big Oil and its allies in
Washington ... starting with George Bush.
The president and the
leadership in the House of Representatives continue to
promote drilling in this greatest of American wildlife
sanctuaries, despite these very real facts: the refuge
represents the only 5% of the Arctic coast not already
open to drilling ... there is very little oil and it
wouldn't flow for TEN years ... drilling cannot have ANY
effect on world oil prices which are set by OPEC ...and
a large majority of Americans oppose drilling because of
the harm it would cause to wildlife and habitat. Did you
know that Saudi Arabia is so in debt that even after all
the world's oil supply is used up in 50 years, they will
never be out of debt.
So if the world will have
no more oil for products, energy and cars in 50 years,
why isn't the US finding alternative forms of fuel?
Refusing to take "no" for an answer, the House
leadership tried again to pass Arctic drilling
legislation last week. But those of you who contacted
your elected Representative helped defeat them ... and
so the good guys won again.
In this case, one of the good guys was our new cartoon
character, Defender Bear. If you haven't met him yet,
let me introduce you: We created Defender
Bear and his friends to help emphasize that wildlife, if
they could, would fight against this horribly
anti-conservation president and his policies.
I confess that I can't draw at all! So I give my ideas
for the "toons" to veteran cartoonist - and
conservationist - Sam Rawls ("Scrawls"), and he
illustrates them for me.
In the current cartoon, I wanted to emphasize not only
that the Arctic Refuge is in danger, but that Bush's
policies are also endangering our public lands in places
like the Rockies. The migratory bird helped tie the two
places together. And the caricature saying, "Drill here"
... well, you know who that is.
We hope supporters like you will pass these cartoons
along to others and thus help Defender Bear to elect
politicians who recognize they're responsible for all
living things, and for the leaving a healthy earth for
our children and grandchildren. Invite your friends to
join you on Care2 Connect, and introduce them to
Defender Bear, too:
I welcome your comments and any ideas for "toons" that
you have. Send them to me at
Rodger Schlickeisen
President, Defenders of Wildlife
P.S. Help give wildlife like Defender Bear a real voice
on November 2nd! If you haven't already taken the pledge
to vote against George Bush on November 2nd, I encourage
you to do so. Click here and you can vote on behalf of
your favorite animal:
Credit: Animal Planet |
Whether it takes the form of intentional abuse or
neglect, animal cruelty is an issue that permeates
our society. And no one understands this more than
the ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement team, our resident
animal cops who fight these crimes every day on the
streets of New York City. If you watch Animal
Planet’s Animal Precinct, you’ve seen them
in action. And next Wednesday, June 9, you’re
invited to join Special Investigator Annemarie Lucas
at the
Washington Post online in a moderated
discussion about animal cruelty—and what you can do
about it. |
Animals, Animals,
by Amy Ziff, Editor-at-Large
March 2006
Though it may sound like a Doctor Seuss book it's not--I'm
reporting on pet friendly hotels and destinations. Why?
Because 25% of Travelocity's travelers say they take
their pets away with them. That's the same number as
travelers who go to a family reunion each year, and about
20% more than those who plan to travel to go to a college
reunion, charitable cause, or attend a religious
conference, gathering, or event. In a nutshell, traveling
with pets boils down to a multi-billion industry
generating upwards of 30 billion dollars annually, so it's
no wonder travel is catering to the pet set. But where
should you take your pet? I've got the details and I'm
calling it the bow-wow pow wow.
Nationwide hotel chains are cashing in by catering (quite
literally) to our four-legged friends. Kimpton, Fairmont,
and W come to mind immediately, but they're not the only
ones. Monaco hotels have a list of pet paw-licies, while
others have individual programs. I've selected a group of
hotels and destinations across North America that is
particularly pet friendly. From special menus to a kitty
or pup concierge, many visitors expect the red-carpet
treatment for their best pals.
In the meantime, here's to woofing it up around North
San Diego tops the list as a year-round pet lover's
paradise and animal experience extravaganza. There are a
number of pet friendly hotels, from the new and trendy
boutique Hotel Solamar, which caters to pets as part of
the Kimpton hotels pet-friendly program, to the W San
Diego, which is part of the chain's PAW (pets always
welcome) practices and has special events like occasional
doggie happy hours and a 4-legger menu. But it's not just
the hotels that embrace animals--Sea World, with the
legendary Shamu shows, swimming with Dolphins, shark
encounters and even programs where visitors can "be a
trainer for a day", tops the list for animal interaction.
Also special to San Diego is the famous Zoo's animal park,
which in the summer months has a Roar N' Snore overnight
program where you get to sleep in the park and get extra
access to the animals. Plus, San Diego sports numerous
pet-friendly beaches, great dog-runs, pet salons, and
restaurants–and the city's baseball park is sponsored by
PETCO. You get the picture: this is one town where our
furry friends are welcome to roam.
Boston: Beantown is friendly to pets, as it has a
reputation for making way for our furry and feathered
friends with the book Make Way for Duckings, which
takes place there. You can even take a walk by the statue
and visit Mrs. Mallard and her eight ducklings who are
captured in bronze in the Public Gardens. There' are the
swan boat tours and the Boston Duck Tours which guarantee
riders a view of some of the area's more active feathery
friends. Beyond the gardens and the commons, Boston has
pet friendly hotels such as the Fairmont Copley plaza with
a canine companion named Catie, who was originally trained
as a guide dog. You can even take a tour of the city with
her! Or, take your own dog and rollerblade along the
Charles esplanade. For more animal sightings visit the
Franklin Park Zoo with gorillas, warthogs, Cotswald sheep,
Pilgrim geese, and more. Zoo details:
Chicago: Is home to the famous Shedd Aquarium,
which is the world's largest indoor aquarium. It opened in
1930 and added the Oceanarium in 1991, which nearly
doubled its size. It's home to amazing fish like Beluga
Whales, Black Piranha, and Leafy Dragons. If you're big
into fish, why not stay at the Hotel Monaco and enjoy the
chain's Guppy Love program, which makes a Goldfish will be
your companion for the duration of your stay. The best
part is that the staff will do all the care and feeding
for you. But if you are taking your dog with you, consider
a Canine cruise just for dogs and their people, which
operate on Sunday mornings June to September through
Mercury skyline cruises at Or go for a walk along
Chicago's magnificent mile, Lakefront Trail, or through
the Riverwalk Gateway where you can learn the city's
history. Now who says you can't teach an old dog new
Denver & The Mountains: Though the mile high city
and surrounding mountains are welcoming to visitors of all
kinds, remember it's important to keep your pet hydrated
when you're at altitude too. In Denver the Hotel Teatro
and the Monaco are particularly pet friendly. The Monaco
hotels have a line of pet paw-licies that detail their
special pet services from gourmet canine cuisine and
doggy-dog tags for travel to massage and pet-sitting. The
Teatro will serve your pet food in a personally
monogrammed dish and walk them as needed. Up in the
mountains you can have a great animal experience by
hiking. Try spotting elk, moose, deer, coyotes, cougars,
black bear, hawks and more. At Keystone, you can take your
dog in a chairlift (pups ride free) and let them roam at
your side. If you can't take your own pet with you, stay
at the Ritz Carlton Bachelor Gulch where you can borrow
their mascot and take him out for a hike.
Miami / Ft. Lauderdale: Miami's SoBe catwalk is
full of pooch pride. Where else do you feel more out of
place when you don't have a pup in-tow? Dine at the News
Café with your furry friend or window shop. The
Ritz-Carlton, Royal Palm and the Aqua all welcomes pets
but don't stop there. Broward county, the Greater Fort
Lauderdale area, boasts over 70 pet-friendly hotels and
numerous parks and recreation areas, even restaurants that
cater to your furry friends. Should your pet need some R&R
you may want to check them into the Camp Canine Country
Club & Spa in Ft. Lauderdale or the Tail End Pet resort &
Spa in Davie. They can dine on gourmet fare from Bone
Appetit in Ft. Lauderdale or Three Dog Bakery in
Plantation. There is canine couture found at Tea Cups in
Hollywood because every dog deserves to look his best.
New York City: Home to the most notorious of Dog
Shows, the city is over-run with dog lovers and their
owners each winter for Westminster. But the big apple
welcomes pets every day of the year. From Central Park to
Battery Park, Hudson River Park to Washington Square Park
dog runs are as common as play grounds in Manhattan. Visit for the low-down on playing with your
pet in the city. From spas to day care there pets are big
business in the Big Apple. Plus there's the famous Central
Park zoo featured in Madagascar and the bigger Bronx Zoo
as well. Hotels like 70 Park, the Muse, the Affinia 50
(and all other 8 Affinia properties in Manhattan) as well
as the five W hotels all welcome pets. The Affinia hotels
run a Jet Set Pet program with a special welcome and
extensive list of services and providers where as the W's
offer signature programs including robes (for you and your
pet), pet-treats, plus a where-to-Woof guide of dog parks,
groomers and pet boutiques.
San Francisco: It's a city filled with dogs and
cats, but if you want to make the most out of your pet's
visit get them ready to scale the hills. Take your pet to
one of these great spots: the Golden Gate Park Dog Run,
Mountain Lake Park or the Presidio. Even enjoy a jog on
the beach at Baker Beach, Fort Funston or Ocean Beach –
just be aware of the various leash laws which are strictly
enforced. Hop on and off the public transport with your
pet while seeing the sites. San Francisco is pet friendly
as are numerous hotels such as the W San Francisco and all
the Kimpton hotels. Perhaps the most notable treatment is
at the Fairmont where you can sign up for the Doggy
translator which enhances communicating with your pet.
new dog training building is open on January 7th in Orem!
It is a large heated indoor center with a small store stocked with
high quality supplies for show and training. You no longer have to
wait for a show to find the dog stuff you love. Our classes are
staffed by highly qualified professional handlers and dog
trainers. The instructor to student ratio is low.
We're trying something
new for intermediate and advanced trainers. Every Thursday
night from 7:00 -8:00 pm the building is open for drop-in practice
for $5.00 person. There are no instructors so the price is
cheap. This hour is limited to ten people. Call to reserved a spot.
All dogs need to be healthy and current on vaccinations. Other drop
in times will added as requested and interest can support.
classes are now forming too. Call if interested in junior
showmanship, show, kids after-school program, basic & puppy
classes or private help with behavior problems. More advanced
classes are planned for February.
Talent & Training
523 South State Street
Business Hours:
Wed. & Thurs 10:00 am to 7:00pm Drop in with your dog Class 7pm,
10:00 am to 5:00pm
Saturday 10:00 am to
Other times by appointment.
(801) 423-7000
(801) 318-3611
Email: Judithbaker@email.c
HB 128
(Then animal control could scan each pet running loose, take them home and
fine the owners to make them responsible, and not over crowd the
shelters and have taxpayers foot the bill.)
Looking For Love
30 Dogs confiscated from Breeder in such malnuorished,
dirty and sick conditions: Come see Yorkies, Poodle, Boston
Terrier, Chihuahuas, and Terriers. Thank you Deputy Lynn
Lyons for saving them and contacting HUA.

in All the Right
Faces |
FGH January/February 2005
grassroots film about
grassroots animal rescuers
needs some grassroots
Please forward this newsletter
to just ONE person who might not be already receiving it.
In This Issue:
-FGH Writer/Director, Judy Crozier guests on
MidWest Radio Show March 10th
-Movie Screening April 9th at Raleigh Studios
-Best Friends and Nuts for Mutts Events
-Ongoing Fundraising FGH Tshirts, Jezebelle's and MORE!
-The details on how you and your friends pets can be on
our poster are on our website!
Pictured above:
Katherine Norland as Tala Loreto
If you cannot see the images here please go to
to open the Newsletter as a
WebPage. |
Best Friend Forgotten
is an inspiring, 47-minute documentary, which explores the crisis of pet
overpopulation by following a dog named Clover and a cat named Oreo. They are
the stars, along with host/narrator
David Duchovny (from TV’s “The X-Files”),
of an inspiring film that explores the lives of the abandoned pets. Through
Oreo and Clover’s experiences, the audience gets a first-hand look at the
realities of pet-overpopulation and the magnitude of man’s role in the drama.
The on-camera host, David Duchovny narrates this journey with compassion,
humor, and hope. Identifying the issues and promoting solutions are integral
parts of this heart-felt examination of what happens when there are too many
pets and not enough homes. Viewers walk away entertained, educated, and
inspired to help solve the problem in their own communities.
We have reserved
Saturday, May 15th
at the
Tooele High School
for our version of a red-carpet premiere. The only admission that will be
charged is $1 per person, $5 per family, or a bag of dog food, cat food, or
cat litter that can be donated to our local Animal Shelter and help us defray
the cost to pay for this event. As you can see by the admission charge -- we
are not using this as a fundraiser, but rather as a service to help bring the
word of this crisis to our community.
Please contact Dawn with
HEART to donate and help make this event a success.
job is as demanding as a shelter worker's.
How can staff members cure the disease of pet overpopulation with limited
funding, crowded facilities and the growing controversy over euthanasia? These
ethical dilemmas are explored in Shelter Dogs, an award-winning
documentary by Cynthia Wade. The film opens at the following theaters this
Friday and will run through December 18:
- Roxie
Cinema, 3117 16th St., San Francisco, CA; Q & A with the filmmakers,
Friday, December 12, 6:15 & 8 P.M. shows
- Christopher
B. Smith Rafael Film Center, 1118 Fourth St., San Rafael, CA; Q & A
with the filmmakers, Saturday, December 13, 7 P.M. show
For more information on the film and the venues listed above, please visit Shelter
Dogs online SHELTER DOGS will be available for fundraising and home video
use after its HBO premiere Tuesday January 27, 2004 at 7pm.
Red Hen Productions, Inc.
the film about? Howard Rosenberg, in the Los Angeles Times, says "The
Witness is one man's truth that cries out for mass exposure...may be the
most important and persuasive film about animals ever made. It tells a
deeply soulful story of redemption that is quite remarkable, one whose unlikely
center is a 44-year-old former tough guy whose personal odyssey, from disdain of
animals to being their champion, merits a TV movie or feature film. He's Eddie
Lama." Get
to know Eddie. He will change your life, soften your heart, and move you to
ordering your copy today, you will directly help a chained dog.
HEART.ORG is a team of filmakers that have won awards for these moving
documentaries that should be shown in all schools and public theatres.

"PEACEABLE KINGDOM is a masterpiece. I hope it inspires growing numbers of
people to support this desperately important cause."
Jane Goodall,
Ph.D, D.B.E,
U.N. Messenger of Peace
Come listen
to the farmers that can no longer put up with the cruel treatment of farm
animals by Factory Farms and Meat Slaughter Houses and are now Champions for
Farm Animals. Thank you Jenny and James for inviting me to see this
great film at the Freedom Cinema Festival in Park City and giving me a copy
of both your movies. I hope our 6 minute short made by SLC Community College
Media Students about the Human/Animal
Cruelty Connection and our research will help your 3rd movie you will be
working on.
"Denise -
could you tell me more about where to see it, whether I can get my hands on
a copy to show for my animal rights class in the summer?
Thanks for the heads up about this."
Karen Mizell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Utah Valley State College"

Witness video
"THE WITNESS is one man's truth
that cries out for mass exposure... may be the most important and persuasive
film about animals ever made"
Howard Rosenberg
We have
been given copies of these movies and would love to come to your school
assemblies and show them.
Small Paws
Rescue will be featured again on
Animal Planet on Wednesday April 14, 2004 @
11:00 AM Eastern Time, and Thursday April 22, 2004 @ 11:00 AM Eastern
Keep a
lookout for "Benji on the Leash"
August 20th! That is the day when Benji
puts a face on adoption, with the nationwide opening of the new movie, "Benji
Off The Leash".
movie introduces the hardships many homeless animals face, all the while
making us laugh. That isn't an easy feat, but Benji pulls it off. We know
his new movie will help raise adoption levels across
the country come the end of the summer. But a
short-lived spike in awareness isn't the goal. The goal is a shift in habit.
The habit of "buying" or breeding pets, when so many are behind caged doors in
shelters, awaiting their forever home.
All shapes, all sizes, all
temperaments ... any type of dog or cat you are looking for IS available
through adoption. So please help bring even more attention to this
particular message by making sure Benji's new movie is the talk of the town,
the office, your school, your church, your veterinary office, or your next
party...We could go on and on, but you get the picture.
Please remember the date: August 20th -
and make sure that on that weekend this is the movie you're going to see,
encouraging your clients to see, and recommending to your customers ... and in
the end, the pets win.
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators (SAWA) Date and Location: June 10 - 12,
2004, Omaha, NE additional info:
Conference on Homeless Animal Management and Policy (CHAMP) Date and Location:
August 19 - 22, 2004, Orlando, FL additional info:
American Humane's Conference 2004
Date and Location: September 27 - 28, 2004, Philadelphia, PA additional info:
The National Feral Cat Summit
Date and Location: October 16, 2004, New York, NY additional info:
Iowa Annual Animal Sheltering Conference Date and Location: October 28 – 29,
Ames, IA additional info:
Spay/USA's Southern Regional Leadership Conference Date and Location: November
11 - 14, 2004, New Orleans, LA additional info:
Tell a Friend to Listen for us on the Radio in the MidWest
March 10th 9AM - 10AM Central Time
Writer, Director Judy Crozier will be a guest on The Pet Talk Program
on KOKX-AM 1310 Radio in Keokuk, Iowa.
The broadcast can be heard in:
Southeast Iowa
Northeast Missouri
West Central Illinois.
If you know someone in these areas please forward this
newsletter and tell them to tune in!
Click here to listen to past Radio Shows |
agrees to sell euthanasia GAS chamber to utah
county shelter click
here to read the sad story! Attention
Law Makers: Please speak with Jacque at the Utah county animal shelter to
discuss how much additional personnel is needed to humanely inject the
pets if you decide to get rid of the gas chamber. The Salt Lake
County Animal Shelter has a rotating team of 14 people to euthanize their
animals. It is too difficult for only one or two people to have to
do this traumatic job.
Policy Statement on Acceptable Method of Euthanasia of Dogs
and Cats in Animal Shelters American Humane considers euthanasia by
injection of sodium pentobarbital (EBI)
to be the only acceptable method for euthanasia of dogs and cats in
shelters. Empowering Action Since 1877 |
We have 15 momma kitties with babies and
3 momma dogs with Babies, and one momma ready to pop! I really need some
help here guys...this is scary, JUST STARTING kitten season!!!!!!!!!!! The
Momma kitties all came in over the past 2-3 days!
I will have to post the kitties later, but here's some info on the Momma
dogs. Please feel free to call for more info! 213-485-0117 LA Animal
Recent information about the health risks associated with long-term use of
hormone replacement drugs has affected sales of Premarin ® and
Premprotm, which contain estrogens from pregnant mares' urine. The
drop in sales has led to drastic cuts in the number of horses used to produce
the raw material--and while this is good news in the long term, thousands of
horses will need homes. You can help these equines by supporting the efforts of
rescue groups such as the United Pegasus Foundation, which is trying to place as
many horses as possible before they are sold to slaughter. For more information
and how to donate, please visit UPF
online or call (626) 279-1306. The group has adoption centers in
Virginia, Pennsylvania and California.
"We must continue to fight in the Land of
Lincoln to save the horses," urges the ASPCA's Ledy VanKavage, Esq., senior
director, Legislative Services. "Horses belong in the stable, not on the table!"
Do you
know what your are eating?
If not, you can catch this animated Flash movie online at
Created by Free Range Graphics for the New York- and California-based Farm
Sanctuary, the two-minute film follows Leo the pig and Moopheus the cow as they
unravel "the lie we tell ourselves about where our food comes from"
and show viewers how to help stop the horrors of factory farming. Ready to
escape the Meatrix? Check
it out today! Come meet Alec
To see for yourself why so many people are going
vegetarian, click here to "Meet Your Meat." (RealPlayer)
Splenda Is Not Splendid!
James Bowen, M.D. - "In a simple word
you would just as soon have DDT in your food as Splenda, because sucralose
is a chlorocarbon. The chlorocarbons have long been famous for causing
organ, genetic, and reproductive damage. It should be no surprise,
therefore, that the testing of sucralose, even at less than the level
demanded by FDA rules, reveals that it has been shown to cause up to
40%shrinkage of the thymus: A gland that is the very foundation of our
immune system. It also causes swelling of the liver and kidneys, and
calcification of the kidney."
The artificial sweetener Splenda is used in hundreds of foods and
beverages in the United States and is touted as being safe and healthier
than sugar. But if Splenda is safe, why haven’t any studies been done to
prove it, and why are so many people getting sick from eating Splenda? Find
out some of the more common reaction symptoms now.
The Bitter
Truth About NutraSweet (Aspartame) and Sucralose (Splenda™)
Alternatives to artificial
sweeteners and white sugar: raw, unrefined palm sugar
(available in Asian stores and delicious), honey, maple syrup or date sugar.
These natural sugars contain important minerals and vitamins.
more info about
The FDA's
Wildest Dream-And Our Worst Nightmare-Is About To Come True You've taken
supplements for years. You're out of vitamins C and E. You go to your
natural food store, but you can't find the kind you want on the shelf. You
ask a clerk to find them for you. She says you can't get your vitamin E as
mixed tocopherols (the best natural form) anymore, and asks if you like your
vitamin C in the 100 or 200 milligram size. The 1,000 milligram size, you
say. "Where have you been?" she asks. "Asleep since 2004? It's 2007 now! The
types and sizes of vitamins you just asked for have been declared illegal by
the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization!"
Politics in Healing: The Suppression & Manipulation of American Medicine by
Daniel Haley An ex-congressman from N.Y., Haley has written an
historical account of immense importance. Here are detailed the true
stories of ten physicians and their non-toxic cancer and other medical cures
that were smashed by a pharmaceutical -AMA - federal machine which continues
today. For anyone interested in the truth behind who controls the FDA and
other federal agencies this is a must read. All health care professionals
need to have a look at the reality existing today in the manipulation of the
health care system as shown in these stories.
pharmaceutical interests to limit access to information on health choices &
restrict the right to obtain dietary supplements.
Dangers of Modern
Medicine: Iatrogenic Diseases
The New York Times
SLams the AVMA for betraying Farm Animals raised in cruel ways.
Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly.
You can help each day with a free click!
Visit The Animal Rescue Site at daily and click the purple button. That
simple action gives food to an abandoned or abused animal.

Let North Carolina State Legislature know they need to regulate all County
Animal Shelters and stop the cruel inadequate gas chambers that leave dogs half
alive suffering!
Come read facts!
Chronicle: Law Suit to Fire SAC Animal Shelter Director for Illegal
Killings of Dogs/cats and only CA animal shelter to sell to research, and
prohibiting animal rescues from her shelter which has 90% kill rate, is
overcrowded, filthy, and cruel.
Help by signing the petition: Go to:
This began yesterday with 10,000 baby
seals being clubbed an hour. Over 1 million seals will be killed in three years.
Haven't we come further than this? With all the advances in science, we still
kill like barbarians! The
Canadian annual massacre of over 350,000 seals is the largest and cruelest
slaughter of marine mammals in the world.
Come read how you can help stop the most atrocious, barbaric and ignorant
practice that we all thought was dead here. Scientists in the US are
using birth control contraceptive shots? Why won't CANADA?
Utah Broker
(KSL News) -- Weber County Sheriff's Deputies caught a
woman who was housing nearly 100 dogs in a kennel. They received complaints
about too many dogs at Canine Connection, in Marriott-Slaterville. The owner
has a kennel license and conditional use permit to house up to 30 dogs. But,
when deputies searched the grounds today they found at least 90 animals,
mostly puppies.
Capt. Clint Anderson, Weber County Sheriff's Office: "When you have that
many dogs in a house in such close proximity, there is a risk of infectious
diseases being spread." Veteranians were suprised to find most of the
animals are in fairly good health.
The puppies are at the Weber County Animal Shelter now. The woman has not
been charged.
October 1996, he was cited again by Riverside
County and was recognized by Commissioner Loree,
presiding, who said, "Oh, you’re the
Dalmatian man. You’re doing a good thing
here." He said that he and his wife had
been following his trials in the papers over the
years and felt he should be made a hero, not a
criminal and would then refuse to even hear the
current case against him - dismissing the
charges.Loree is now the second
judge/commissioner to call the county on the
carpet over all this |
.In 1995, Judge Romos of Orange County said, when he called
Warner’s case, "This is not justice and it will not take
place in my courtroom!" Then also dismissed the case before
him. Warner also reminds us that recently, Riverside County
Board of Supervisors reduced the county's animal control budget from
only 3% to a mere 1% - the same week they voted themselves a 35% pay
Bill in NYS
to force every dog owner to purchase insurance. Shot Down Yeah!!!
Ten Ways to Prevent Animal Cruelty, specially compiled for to
usher in
Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month, which starts today. You'll also find all
the tools you need to join the fight on our site--including fact sheets on what
constitutes cruelty; a state-by-state compendium of animal cruelty laws; where
to report cruelty in your town, and tips from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control
Center on how to protect your pets from intentional cruelty.
Pet Therapy Associates, Inc. (PTA) will host its annual educational
conference at Tallahassee Community College’s Economic and Workforce
Development Center on June 19 & 20. Featured speakers include child
development psychology professor Dr. Gail Melson, whose program will
cover children with pets versus children without pets, and the
ASPCA’s own Dr. Bill Samuels, director of Humane Education, who will
discuss the benefits of pet ownership. Early registration is
encouraged, and tickets are $10 for adults; under 12 free. For more
information, please visit
PTA online or e-mail PTA president Colm McAindriu at |
more pencils, no more books-the ASPCA teacher newsletter has gone
ASPCA AnimaLessons, our quarterly publication for
educators, shelters and parents, is now available online --along
with past issues and printable, classroom-- ready handouts for
grades K-8. "And by fall of this year, ASPCA AnimaLessons will
be switching over to an e-mail-only subscription service," says the
ASPCA's Miriam Ramos, Manager, Education Special Projects. "This
change will not only save money, which we can then devote to other
educational projects that save animals, but it will also allow us to
reach subscribers in a more timely fashion."The website also
features a variety of resources for educators, from an extensive
bibliography of kid- and critter-friendly books to the pros and cons
of animals in the classroom. Please tell all the teachers and
parents in your life about
ASPCA AnimaLessons and help us pass on the compassion! |
Thanks to
the American Humane Organization:
Animals in these states need your help:
Aerial wolf hunting (all
US residents)
Kentucky: Update!
HB 336 -- a bill to end the use of gunshot as a means of euthanasia in Kentucky
-- passed the House Agriculture and Small Business Committee. But, the fight is
not over. Act now
to ensure this bill makes it to the House floor. (KY residents only)House
OKs ban on shooting shelter animals in Kentucky
Maryland: Steel-jaw
Leghold Traps (MD residents only)
Maryland: Bank
Traps (MD residents only)
Maryland: New! Prevent
the needless slaughter of black bears. Keep the pressure on the Governor to stop
the bear hunt. Learn
more.(MD residents only)
Ohio: Gunshot
animal control (OH residents only)
Tennessee: Safe
transport of dogs (TN residents only)
PUPPY BEATER to be sentenced on the 29th. Please
sign the petition urging the judge to impose the maximum penalty:
If you can
spare a moment, Please be a voice for those who cannot speak and
sign the National Spay / Neuter No-Kill petition located at:
Proctor & Gamble kills approximately 50,000
animals every year in product testing, despite consumer pressure and the
availability of replacement tests. While NJARA actively opposes animal testing
by any company, we would like to take part
in Global Boycott P&G Day on Saturday, May 22, 2004.
see the biggest fine for Puppy Mill busted in Canada story 03/22/04
The ASPCA, the Fund for
Animals and the Animal Welfare Institute have brought a lawsuit against Ringling
under the Endangered Species Act for its mistreatment of the elephants. Earlier
this year, the U.S. Court of Appeals rejected Ringling's arguments that the case
should be thrown out, and the case is now going forward in federal district
court in Washington, D.C. For highlights from a special report documenting the
systematic abuse of Asian elephants in Ringling's care, visit
Come read Companion
Animal Legislation Around the Country.
Inmates donate $4,000 for new animal shelter

Today the Pyon's are relieved! Their beloved family member Max
will live! Attorney General Richard Blumenthal
facilitated a settlement prior to the hearing today and
Max should be ready to go home with his family within
the next few days. The agreement is not final but the
state and the Pyon's, with the aid of Attorney General
Blumenthal, are expected to sign an agreement. The
agreement will have rules such as; Max will have to have
obedience training, a microchip inserted under his skin
for tracking purposes and he will be prescribed
medication. Also, the State Senate finally passed the
revision of the statute that held Max in custody for so
long. This statute will be known as "Max's Law" and will
go into effect immediately! From here on out, the state
has only 60 days to go forward on a disposal hearing
rather than an indefinite amount of time. By the time
Max is released from death row, he will have spent seven
and a half months behind bars away from his family. What
You Can Do: Please write letters to Attorney General
Blumenthal, thanking him for stepping up to the plate
and once and for all, reuniting Max with his loving

Attorney General Richard
Blumenthal P.O. Box 120 Hartford, CT 06141-0120
Telephone: 860- 808- 5318
Fax: 860- 808- 5387
We ask you to help us in pursuing a critical goal: to stop the
killing of our nation's adoptable pets. To that end, we've
drafted a detailed Action
Plan outlining several key steps that we have been
implementing this year and with your support, continue in 2003.
Here's the problem:
Every year, six million dogs and cats are needlessly euthanized
in shelters across America - simply because there is no one to
adopt them. They are the innocent victims of abandonment . . .
abuse . . . over-breeding. Whatever the circumstances that have
brought them into our lives, we must make sure that others do
not suffer their fate. Click
here to learn more about how The ASPCA's Action Plan has
been helping to stop the killing of adoptable pets.
By taking one simple step, making the most generous gift
possible, you can help us make progress towards this goal. Your
gift will help us continue to do things like:
- Place thousands of unwanted animals in permanent, loving
- Subsidize low-cost spaying and neutering.
- Expand our medical and behavior telephone help-lines so
that we can foster healthy and harmonious relationships
between people and their pets.
Act today! Your generous gift will help The ASPCA implement
its 2003
Action Plan and help put an end to the needless deaths of
millions of animals. Click
here to learn how you can help.
Thank you for your continued support,
Law Suit to Fire SAC Animal
Shelter Director for Illegal Killings of Dogs/cats and only CA animal
shelter to sell to research, and prohibiting animal rescues from her shelter
which has 90% kill rate. See SF Chronicle article below under
This was written by a 9 year
old little boy. His name is CJ Hedges.
CJ sent this to a Dal rescue list and LOTS of people asked if
they could
share it. I'm sure you will soon see it floating around
the Internet. If
you decide to share it with your friends, please be sure to
give CJ credit.
My mom told me when I was 3 I did lots of things that just
shouldn't be. I pottied in my pants, on the floor and lots
more never thinking to open the bathroom door.
My mom told me when I was 5 I did things that just didn't
jive. I would eat food that wasn't even mine or take someones
toys and leave them destroyed.
My mom told me when I was 8 I did lots of things not so great.
I would beat up my brothers and not listen to the rules.
My mom says that I still
don't always listen to the rules, fight with my brothers,
destroy others
toys and eat food that is not mine.
However, I am lucky and have the potty training down. I
wonder what would have happened to me if I were a dog. Would
my mom
have kept me or took me to the pound? So, many people think
that it is the
dogs fault but how can that be true? When a bunch of boys can
be found doing these things too.
When you have a dog remember they are children too. They need
love, training and time to learn. Please be patient and do
just what you would do, if your dog was a little boy just like