Sparkle flew to Phoenix with Denise like a pro. She bounced through the airport and layed perfectly at her feet on the plane.
Her new proud parents
Larry and Joyce were so excited to see her. Joyce smiled and jumped onto her
feet and ran to greet her. Then took the leash and never let go. When we arrived
in Payson, AZ after a beautiful drive through the green and colorful
countryside, Sparky met AMber and they were just fine together. Mom and
Dad took the babies on their twice a day daily walk:
Pictures of Bootsy,
their prior Beagle that passed away of old age is all over the house, as well as
pictures of their past Saint Bernard Tiny of 220 lbs. But Amber, the
sweetest Yellow Labx LArry brought home from the Humane Society that he
volunteered at for 2 yrs, 3 yrs ago is the shyest, sweetest, well trained girl.
Sparky stayed on Joyce's lap the whole two days and is so happy.
Sparky has found the most wonderful parents in the most wonderful retired community that just loves dogs. They have the most wonderful dog park thanks to PAYSON PAWS org. And the local Humane Society is so well kept, with loving staff and volunteers. The town really supports their homeless pets. But they have a shortage of small dogs and a surplus of retired senior citizens that want small dogs. Diane who has a 200 farm animal sanctuary wants to work with Denise to bring Chihuahuas and other small dogs to Payson retired owners from So California. And the Humane Society has a long list of people looking for small dogs. Denise is excited to find a volunteer pilot that flies into Payson airport to bring the little dogs in from So CA.