We wish to thank Richard, owner of Salty Dogs Boarding, Day Care and Training in SLC and wish him our heart felt love as he passed onto Rainbow Bridge. Thank you for always being there for the homeless dogs.
Denise wishes to let everyone know of a very special Angel of a woman and the most amazing and caring rescuer, Mickey Britton, the founder of 14 year old Utah Companion Golden Retriever Rescue. She was Denise's mentor when she created Save A Dog & KIds and guided her in this difficult work. 4,600 Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers were saved from being put down in shelters after their owners abandonned them thanks to Mickey and her Husband Bill. When Mickey brought a new Golden Retriever home from the shelter she would brush out all their knots, make sure they were loved and felt safe in her home, and she would get the donated blankets and treats to give to her new foster child. She and her husband Bill helped disabled kids and people get service dogs, they showed other rescues how 2 retired people could do so much for the dogs and the world. She was not only the mentor for our founder, but she was a mom to her and supported her when Denise did not think she could do this hard work of rescue. Denise will truelly miss Mickey and the world will not be the same without her.
Thank you to Reflections Services for pets for always lovingly, affordably and artisticly making the little velvet pouch, etched and lazered cedar box and paw prints of our angels that passed on. Click here to see more and contact them.
We are saddened to
hear that our little angel had Kidney problems like her puppymill sister
and passed onto Rainbow Bridge. Thank you Berna for
taking loving care of her.
![]() "Denise, I am sure he will be the mario andretti of the doggie wheel set very soon! the video show great promise < grin> his sweetness is quite apparent in seeking out your doggie with cancer... it is amazin how they "know"and stay close to one who needs special love n caring Perhaps ... this is why she was brought to you to ease the journey of the other pooch ? a mission well served ..his own kind of therapy be well...... Karen San Diego, CA"
Thank you Lori in Seattle for donating the K-9 Cart Wheels for Binky!
You are the Pom's Angel. Come see video of his first trial with cart Click on Binky's First Day
on Cart.
BINKY a 5 lb senior little Pomeranian was just rescued through our Little Dog Angel Network in LA CA shelter. Thanks to Jeanine of Bichons and Buddies, Naomi and Richard Our OC volunteers that picked him up from clinic in Venice Beach and drove him down to San Diego to our foster mom Deb who also rescues little dogs. Thanks to all. From his foster mom: "Mr.. Binky is absolutely cute as a bug! He is actually even cuter than I thought he might be...he isn't skinny so don't worry about that, but he does have a cough and a sneeze. He ate some chicken last evening and slept very well...He also walked around with trouble but seems OK. I am a bit worried about his health -- he DOES seem fragile" Thank you to all our rescue friends: Jeanine of Bichons and Buddies in LA for pulling him and boarding him for us, Naomi and husband for picking him up, Ariel for driving him down to our Foster in San Diego, and Deborah for taking care of him for a week plus till our new driver Karen, Retired SDPD, who reallly was great to pick him, his paperwork and driving him to OC, and our friend CHarisse, who's Pom we love to babysit, that brought him here for us. HE gives kisses and is so trusting, and happy considering his back legs wont' hold him up. WE ARE ASKING ALL POM LOVERS TO PLEASE HELP US RAISE THE FUNDS TO HAVE BOTH PATELLAS OPERATED ON SO HE CAN STAND UP WITHOUT FALLING AND LIVE. OUT HIS LIFE THE WAY HE DESERVES. "Thank you I have fallen again and I can’t get back up." I am so appreciative and loving and give kisses when you pick me up. WIth GLucosamine and Flax Seed oil, I am walking better and so much better now. "He's adorable but I have way too many animals of my own and it would be irresponsible to take on anymore but I try to do what I can to help those in need. Years ago, I found a little dog in the pouring rain who couldn't move. I went to the door of the house to tell them about their puppy and they didn't make a move to help him and shut the door. I stood there for a minute and then scooped him up and took him to the vet. It wasn't good news and I opted to have the little sweetie euthanized. I have always regretted that...........didn't know about the carts then and I thought his life would be too hard. So, I thought in some way, this could honor that little boy." Binky's Cart is on its way, thank you Lori. Thanks Jane for offering to take him in with your senior little Poms. You have always been the SEnior Poms' friend.
We were so sorry that Binky's legs just could not hold him up at all anymore and when he could no longer use the cart or get up, we had to say goodbye. Thank you Dr. Taylor for always helping us let them up to Heaven in a such a nice loving way. We will miss you little Angel Binky. Thanks Pet Reflections for always doing such a beautiful job on their memory box, paw prints and engravings for a discount. |
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![]() 8 years since Phyllis adopted a little 3 yr old Teacup Poodle: "Our Amazing Grace, aka Gracie, has left us in tears...she passed away in Roger's arms on the 28th of June from what appeared to be a heart attack....she had been sick so was in a weakened state and just couldn't bounce back....we miss her TERRIBLY, she was such a GREAT dog! We hope to be able to adopt another like her in the near future....keep us in mind, Denise! here is a recent picture of our "little sweetheart"....we miss her SO much! Please keep us in mind if you get another little sweetie like Gracie. We like poodles as they are SO smart, as you know, and great for me with allergies...hope to talk to you soon!" Phyllis & Roger B. Park City, |
After 2.5 weeks of EKGs, XRays, Heart MEds,
Transfer Factor Plus, feeding him anything he would eat, our poor little 12
yr. old Mickey at 4 lbs., with an enlarged heart in a rib cage too small for
it because of bad breeding, finally gave up his fight for life in my arms.
I cried a lot and will miss this sweet little angelic spirit so much, but
know he is at peace and loved in Heaven. 08/15/06
Our Dear Little Puff Puff just passed away in May 2006 and we will miss him so. He was deaf, from Pasadena Shelter in CA, flown to us after spending 3 weeks there with no one wanting him, by 3 volunteer pilots with their own planes thanks to, thanks Marilyn and pilots, Bark Ave. in LA and volunteers that drove him for us. They thought he was around 14 yrs old and lived to 15. He loved to see Denise and smiled and pounced with his front paws like a happy puppy when he saw her look at him. We will miss him so. What an angel. Thanks Danielle at Koefran Services for donating the cute paw prints and engraving:
Danielle and Brian were so caring about me and
my kitty Springy to take care of every detail and make this experience as
comforting as possible. Thank you so much for the professional, caring and
beautiful job you did on the beautifully engraved Cedar Box, Rainbow Bridge
printed Velvet Bag, Rainbow Bridge STory Card, Printed in Memory Card and
Paw Prints you made for me. I hope every pet lover will come to you
for the best experience and service for their beloved pets. These
services were the most affordable too,(pictures coming). May
![]() |
Our beloved little Puff Puff passed away this week and we are so saddened. He had the most meek and loving little spirit that just looked up at you with trust and playfulness. We will miss you very much, but know you are in Heaven.
to 14 yrs) little fragile/DEAF
7 lb. Pomeranian male was sitting in the
Pasadena Shelter for 3 weeks with no one wanting
him. He is so adorable and loves to brush up
against you and sit in your lap. He is the most
beautiful Pom we have ever seen. He is a real
Angel. With the help of an amazing team of
volunteers: LA Volunteer Driver Glenn, Jane in
Idaho payed his boarding at
Bark Ave
Foundation in LA, Ashley LA rescuer dr0ve
him to the Van Nuys Airport,
with her
"Flying Paws" 3 volunteer pilots Bruce, Mike
and Terry fostering in Phoenix, Mike flying him
to Page, and Gary flying him into Heber City, he
was saved along with Bonnie from VEntura Cty,
CA, and is looking for the most wonderful
loving adult only home with a retired person
that will pamper him, keep him safe at all times
and take care of all his needs.
He loves to play, sit on chair with me at
computer. Come see more pics by clicking pic
coordinates volunteer pilots to help special
needs and senior dogs in danger to get to
rescues nationwide. Puff
Puff the StayPuff Mini Marshmellow man is just
precious and not 14, who decided that? His teeth
are not tartar covered at all, his front teeth
not worn down, and his eyes not at all cloudy
which would put him around 5 to 8 only. He is
healthy, does have the Pommi Trachial cough all
Poms have, but not too often . He is just
precious. He does well with a harness, loves to
sleep in his doggie bed, sit on your chair with
you, and is pretty housetrained. What a little
sweetheart. He is very playful and expressive.
We adopted a dachshund from
Denise in 2000 after our Barney passed away.
Cheddar or as Denise called him (Chowder) has now passed away due to his
age. We really miss him alot. We have a little female named Penny who has
since became very lonely for a friend. We would like to adopt an
older(5+years) Male Dacshaund for her. We are NOT into the breeding. We are
in it for the love and companionship they bring us. We can be reached at
435-896-4371. We have a really nice fenced in back yard to keep the little
ones in and the big ones out. We believe that a pet in our family is our
child and well taken care of. If you could Please put us on a list for an
Older Male dacshaund we would deeply appreciate it because he would get the
unconditional love that he would need. Thank You David, Trish & Penny (Our
Little Bundle of Joy).
Minnie, 13 yr old Toy Poodle mom of Sammy was picked up by Denise in May of 2004 from Atlanta after her owner had died. She had been on so many medications, on a hypoallergenic diet, and sadly died in the night December 15th in Denise's arms. We will miss her. Sammy is doing great and found a loving mom that just loves Poodles.
*LITTLE MAN 9 year PUrebred REd Miniature Pekingese N.M. has had to have 3 surgeries trying to save his little front leg that had been broken and never cared for by his previous owners. His little rear dew claws and pads had to be removed surgically because his owners never clipped his nails and they had grown completely into the pads. He was limping all over the place. Thanks to help from HEEAB and Susie along with our funds, we were able to provide the $850 worth of surgeries he needed to try to repair his shattered leg. He has to be carried outside and loves his little room with soft pillows. He sleeps with Denise on her bed, and loves her dearly after 2 years of rehabilitation. He is the sweetest most loving Pekingese, gentle with all humans but prefers not to be with other dogs because he fears being knocked over. He has the most beautiful coat. Thank you Jeff in California for helping LIttle man get his needed surgery to remove his leg, we could not have done the $600 surgery without you. Thank you Dr. Law at Cottonwood Animal Hospital for giving us a $400 discount and doing such a great job. Littleman gets along great on his 3 legs.
In Memory of our precious Littleman June 11, 2003. You had such a heart our little friend. He will be so loved over Rainbow Bridge but so missed here. Why did such a loving innocent little life have to suffer so much the first part of his life because of the negligence of humans? |
I'm writing to let you know that Pokey (Pocahontas) died of old age April 1st. She was a shar-pei and just the cutest girl you've ever seen. We adopted her in March of 2000 and instantly fell in love with her. She was THE BEST companion and we were very lucky to have her as a part of our family. Her "Pokey Kisses" and even her snoring is very much missed. We can't thank you enough for the endless efforts you have made to save these wonderful animals and allowing them to enrich our daily lives.
Kimosabe's picture to read his wonderful Owners' Christmas Letter 4
years after his adoption. We were so sad to hear that Kimo had a
sudden medical condition and passed onto Rainbow Bridge.
Adopted by great parents in Park City! We were so sorry to hear of his tragic accident in Florida. Mom and dad were so upset. We hope they will come adopt another little angel in the future. Teddy was so loving and trusting. You gave him a chance to be loved the second half of his life.
*NIKKI a 6 yr. S.F. Yorki/Shih Tzu tiny little girl has almost died from attacking 2 large dogs, and 3 hernias. She attacks every dog she meets and must be protected from them. She doesn't like kids. Otherwise she loves to be carried once you earn her trust and loves to sleep by your pillow. Still working on house training and her medical bills to date are $600. In Memory of our Beloved Nou Nou, we will miss you, our precious little girl.
MAX 6 yr. N.M. Wirehaired little Maltese mix. Loves to be with a retired man. Ok with grandkids. Obedience class included is mandatory.
He passed onto Rainbow Bridge last week at the Vet's office, and we will miss him very much. He had been suffering with kidney and hip problems for a long time with his owner who returned him to us, and yet was so loving. We don't know how old he was, but he was very old when we rescued him out of the shelter.