FOX is a 3 yr. Purebred Gorgeous and Loving Pommeranian. He is perfectly housetraining and learning a lot with his foster brothers and sisters. He is wonderful with dogs, cats and people who are gentle. He is the most loving TeddyBear!!! Only experienced with "high expense grooming and maintenance references" retired adult only homes apply. He is the definition of "ANGEL" and loves all animals and cleans them even my Manx kitty. Yeah Fox is getting the most wonderful mom that saved so many dogs in Albuquerque from terrible fates. Chappy retired from stressful law, decided to enjoy the peace of the countryside, and on all of her trips over the years to the Ranch, has rescued dogs like Toha and Jilee that were abandoned at the side of the freeway as puppies. Chappy and Frank have the biggest hearts for animals and people. And Denise is anxious to fly out and talk to Chappy about starting a Rescue Ranch that will not only rescue horses and dogs, but also bring youth to come care for them and learn compassion for all life!!
Wow What a Trip!
Fox was the best little
Service dog in Training that travels perfectly and calmly. What an angel
as usual and a perfect ambassador.
His new mommy was so
excited to meet him at the airport.
was relaxed and loved his brother and sisters right away.
Albuquerque is the most
dog loving dog town. The local thrift shop owner raises money for dogs rescues,
the local groomer advertises rescued dogs and everyone loves dogs there.
What great Southwestern Food too. Thanks for giving me the best tour Chappy.
Fox took right to his new daddy too and gave him kisses.
Fox is just a little
Budha and will be going on a diet with lots of doggie walks. Chappy is so
careful to make sure her fenced in yards at both homes are secure and the dogs
are safe. Oh and they all get to jump into bed with mom and dad.
The Ranch is gorgeous and
hopefully a future rescue for horses and dogs. A Dream Chappy shares with
Old Town Albuquerque and
all of Albuquerque is beautiful with much Southwestern, American INdian and
Mexican culture and decor.
had the best time, thanks Chappy and Frank for taking such great care of me, and
we know you will take excellent care of Fox the little man.
3/1/05 from Chappy: "The
pics are wonderful as is Fox. He weighs 19.4 lbs according to vet but is healthy
though may have allergies. That may be why his eyes started watering here & he
started scratching his ear last nt. Probably a reaction to new stuff in air he
is not accustomed to. Will find flax seed oil as you suggested plus vit e.
He is happy, adjusted just as you said he would. Loves to ride in car & he has
been around the block 2 different times today on leash- he RUNS! Has been
accepted into the pack."
3/3/05 "Fox is beyond exceptional. He pulls to go to door for walks & has
already lost a few ozs. He dances for treats (so very tiny treats). This AM he
preened Jiilee for 10 minutes & she just pushed into him like he was her mother
giving her the love she never got. He also preened Toja who responded by
preening him back. I am putting him in the kennel at different times during the
day & going out without him so he will not get neurotically attached.
Have Jiilee trained to sit in car kennel & then in car on leash with open door
until she is called to come out. Toja is getting there." Fox has always
been a loving angel to all the animals, so we are thrilled that he gets to
continue to mother more dogs.
04/28/04 Hi Denise,
Sorry I've been out of touch. Life is complicated & so much going on & computer
down ,etc etc,
I found this web site while researching tax stuff with non profits. It is for
startups but also has info on funding & other info I thought might be of
interest to you. - 29k Of
course, you may already know all that stuff & find it elementary. You have
researched so much.
... life is also so good. People like you make it so with all your GOOD work,
energy, etc. You are an inspiration.
Still hope for ranch horse rescue!
We settled on Moxie for little Fox's name & it is perfect-- as is he. Perfect
PERFECT PERFECT!! A joy in my life & the rest of the pack.
Hope you are well. Chappy