Transfer Factor
for Pets
Dosage and directions for giving Transfer
Factor to animals
Testimonials for Pets Real Animals with
Real Problems get Real Results!
Dr. Will Falconer, DVM - "Most of the chronic diseases we commonly see in animals (and humans) have an immune basis, e.g. diabetes, allergies, asthma, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, repeated ear infections, cancer, etc. While they can be cured through the careful use of homeopathy, the road to cure can be a long one -- often years if the animal has had years of disease. Transfer factors can significantly shorten the course, by giving a much needed balancing effect to the immune system. If the immune system is overactive as in allergies, ear infections, asthma, diabetes, or hypothyroidism, Transfer Factor can balance this overactivity so the system is not attacking its own organs, overreacting to things that shouldn’t be perceived as a threat. If, conversely, the immune system is under-active as in mange, parasites, viral infections, or cancer, Transfer Factor Plus can clearly stimulate it to better meet the challenges it needs to be alert to." More about Dr. Falconer --- Dr. Falconer's article on cats and chronic disease
Read Dr. Falconer's comment on using Transfer Factor Plus for tumors in a dog's ear / Q&A
![]() Rob Robertson, M.D. - "Nearly everything that goes wrong with us and our pets, with the exception of trauma - i.e. broken bones, etc., can be traced directly to an immune system failure". Pollution, drug overload and nutrient-poor diets compromise our immune health. The key to self-healing is a strong defense system, which protects dogs and cats from everything from the flu germs to cancer cells. More than their mainstream counterparts, holistic veterinarians believe that a weak immune system plays a key role in causing disease. Drugs aren't the answer for immune enhancement. The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Antibiotics fight infection, but they don't affect whatever weakened the immune system in the first place. This is why holistic veterinarians focus less on things that cause diseases and more on those that affect the body's defenses." Steven Slagle, DVM - A cat with Leukemia, an oral tumor, and posterior paralysis due to a spinal tumor was very ill and emaciated. One month after starting her on Transfer Factor Plus at 1 capsule per day, there was some regression of the oral tumor, restored appetite with some weight gain, and increased sociability. Five months later, this cat continues to improve - she regained her normal weight, her oral tumor has regressed 80%, and she has regained the use of her hind legs and tail. additional testimonials |
Independent Study - 4Life Transfer Factor™ and Transfer Factor Plus® were tested for their ability to increase Natural Killer Cell (NK) activity. The researchers used peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolated from human volunteers. Test results showed that 4Life Transfer Factor™ boosted NK cell activity 103% above normal immune response without supplementation, more than two times higher than the next highest product. The study also showed that Transfer Factor Plus™ increased the NK cell activity 248% above normal immune response without supplementation, or about five times higher than any of the other previously tested products.
Article about the benefits of Transfer Factor in DVM, the Magazine of Veterinary Medicine
Testimonials for Pets - Real Animals with Real Problems get Real Results!
NOTE: Many veterinarians recommend the human Transfer Factor formulas, instead of the Canine and FelineComplete formula for their sick animals. In the below testimonials, the veterinarians, medical doctor and pet owner used the human formula, Transfer Factor Classic, Adv. Formula and the Plus, to treat their animals, and not the canine or feline complete formulas. The human formula comes in a small capsule and it is easier to give a sick animal who doesn't want to eat. It is easy to sho ve the capusle into the throat, or empty the content into the pet's food. Some people mix the powder with a little water and squirt it into the animal's throat with an ear syringe."
NOTE: Many veterinarians recommend the human Transfer Factor formulas, instead of the Canine and FelineComplete formula for their sick animals. In the above testimonials, the veterinarians, medical doctor and pet owner used the human formula, Transfer Factor Classic, Adv. Formula and the Plus, to treat their animals, and not the canine or feline complete formulas. The human formula comes in a small capsule and it is easier to give a sick animal who doesn't want to eat. It is easy to shove the capusle into the throat, or empty the content into the pet's food. Some people mix the powder with a little water and squirt it into the animal's throat with an ear syringe.".
Immune system disorders fall into two broad categories:
Immunodeficiency - when the immune system does not recognize invaders as being undesirable and therefore does not mobilize to destroy them.
Autoimmunity (self-destruction) - when the immune system fails to recognize 'self' as friendly and mounts an attack on itself." Explaining Autoimmune Disease by David Isenberg, PhD and John Morrow, PhD
Duane Townsend, MD - "Transfer Factor helps to modulate the immune system."
Baruch Rosen MD - "Transfer Factor Plus, a preparation which enhances and stimulates the body's own immune system to fight against all pathogens, viral or otherwise."
Audio Presentation by Dr. Rob Robertson, M.D
Directions for giving Transfer Factor to animals
Testimonials from veterinarians and pet lovers
How to order Transfer Factor