4 yr. Purebred Chocolate Lab Female

Thank you Brian for giving Jewels the best home, Denise loved driving her out to your wonderful home in Sonoma Valley, California!

Here's a picture of Griz that you can add to your website.  I adopted Griz in July last year when he was just 4 months old.  It was the best thing I've done in a long time.  He is so smart and loving.  I suffered a stroke last November and he was at my side during my recovery listening to me read and keeping me company.  He loves to play and do tricks and is always there to greet me and give me kisses when I've had a stressful day.  Thanks for bringing him into my life.

Griz's mom....Chris

Oct 14, 2002

Four 5 week old pups were found in this laundry basket Sunday morming 6am in a Church parking lot last summer, Owners that made the sign and abandonned the unwanted puppies had a purebred unspayed American Eskimo female. (Taurus/Grizzly, Gemini/Yoda, Baby Gore and Tipper)

All are loved by their families now!

Dear Denise,

     It has been a little over a year since I adopted Tawny, who was 4 months old at a time.  I hope you remember her.  She is a german shepard mix (one of 9 puppies in the litter you saved at 4 weeks of age).  I want to tell you that she is the most wonderful gift I've ever received in my life.   Tawny is doing great!   She is healthy, looks great, and is so playful.   She is gentle with kids, protective of me and our property, and she is so dang smart!    Tawny goes just about everywhere possible with me.  I'm very lucky to have her.  She is my best friend.  Thanks again, and good luck with all of the other wonderful creatures you are helping.  

Dear Denise, just a note at this special time of the year to let you know we are eternally grateful for allowing Kimosabe to come into our lives. Hope you remember him after all the others you have saved. Your web site is even more marvelous than before. You seem to be continually growing. I know its a lot of work but you will be rewarded eventually. Our love and gratitude goes out to you and all who help in your marvelous persuit. Continued sucess and good fortune be granted to you and yours. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. Karen and Bob Thompson

Christmas 2003

You've come a long way to this perfect Malamute loving and experienced home Kimosabe! bought from a Breeder, at the age of 1 year, Kimo was picked up by animal control each time he got loose from his dog run, and when his owner could not afford to pay the animal shelter fees since he was not neutered, the shelter referred her to have us take him and find him a home. And what a home you have our friend. Karen and Bob have raised kids and grandkids that were pulled in a wagon or sleigh by tons of Malamutes.  Kimo is so happy and loved!  Thank you Karen for the wonderful letter, these mean so much to us!


Pocket was adopted by 
Judy who has rescued many dogs on her own. She has an English Mastiff that is so gentle that he curls up with the little dogs! Pocket came 
to us neglected and scared 
but is now trusting and cuddly. She is crate-trained and socialized with other dogs and people, including kids.
Haddie's new parents 
are actually grandparents who have come to our training for over 3 months. They are training her to jump through a hula hoop, catch a ball in the 
air and catch a Frisbee. Now she shows off her confidence to everyone.  This is what commitment 
to a dog is all about.
Sunshine was abandoned by her family. She was so neglected that her coat was   all matted up. She is now pampered and is learning confidence in the clicker training class even though her mom has to drive from Orem to SLC for class. Maryann grooms Sunshine herself and really loves her. Buddy's family worked hard 
to put up their vinyl fence so Buddy could live with them. 
Good job, Dad. Now Buddy is showing his new family how 
well trained he is thanks to Nancy in class every Saturday.
Faith's new parents have raised their kids, are forest rangers in Northern Utah and wrote us that Faith is the best trained dog. They are learning clicker training to keep her training up. Bulleye's parents are M.D.s but have time to continue advanced training with our trainer because Bullseye is smart and needs to have something to do as Brittany spaniels are very energetic.
Otis finally has someone who knows 
the importance of training and who 
also brings all the kids to learn how 
to train Otis because he knows this is very important as well as fun. Great job, Dennis.
Daisy Mae was  lucky to find a family that is committed to bring her to training even if dad is sick. Her last family gave her up because they made no time for training. Weimaraners have so much energy that they will drive people  crazy if they are not trained.



Adopted at Furburbia.  
She's already been 
to her first puppy class!

Adopted in Park City
and was in Baby's
puppy class too!



DILLON, a pure black 
Lab was abandoned in his backyard by his BYU student at 7 mos. Now he runs with his new owner Chris at work at Utah Winter Sports Park

Caesar survived parvo 
and is shown here getting special treatment from Delta Airlines as he waits 
to jet to his new home. Thank you for the Christmas card with his kids.

Jake is loving his big 
home overlooking Hogle 
Zoo, and his kids

SPRING & HALEY - Spring, a 10 mos. F Minx little cat brought to us beaten up badly, is loved now by kids like 5 yr. old Haley.

was adopted by this couple who went to California to 
buy a Great Pyrenees, but feel so lucky they found Sheba.  Jaime works on the Winter Olympic Committee and husband for Winter Sports Park Bobsled run.  Sheba will be famous.

 10 wk. old Timmy, a Catahoula mix pup, loves 
his new family that is asking all the right questions about
how to raise him right.   He graduated from our class.

 Even though Chip is not pure Great Dane, Gwen has a lot of love for him in her home. thanks for bringing him to obedience classes.


BRUTUS &FAMILY Brutus our Great Dane handsome boy finally got double care and attention. Thanks for visiting us at the STARZZ performance and showing us how well trained and socialized he is.

SHIMMER a pure  Keeshond was the third dog and now she is spoiled by Sharalee from California with her own doggy door.

This brother and sister pair held out for someone to take them together, and now they live with a great Park City family that lost their two dogs in a divorce.

SUNSHINE3 & FAMILY-  Sunshine brought into shelter with mom by owners in Utah County now lives in big home in Park City with a beautiful Irish Setter.

JAKES FAMILY-  Elizabeth and Haley 
think that Jake is just 
the best dog on the planet. He came, calm, loving, housetrained, trained and protective of his new family.

SAMMY FAMILY Sammy’s family thought this big breed adoption through very carefully.  Sammy is the 6th Great Pyrenees to be placed in Park City.  He is so well trained and socialized.  Great job guys.

BASS was 1st in his PetSmart class. Kelsey 
will continue his training with her 4-H group that trains dogs.

 soft, cuddly and sweet. Terry loves to take him 
and his Lab brother 
for rides.

CHEX was left to die in a dumpster. Now lives on a 100 acre ranch.

WESLEY was abandoned at 8 weeks, slept outside in the snow and then was hit by a car. Thanks to his saviors who paid the doctor bill. He  is now very happy and the best trained dog!.

DAISY, The smartest black Lab left by a construction worker now lives with a school teacher.  He has completed many obedience classes.

ROXY an AKC Rottie, loves the new family she gets to protect, love and play with.

BARNEY, a St. Bernard 
mix was seconds from 
being euthanized because 
his family dropped him 
off at the  shelter. Now 
he helps these 2 
adopted kids. 
BLACKIE, one of Raven's pups, loves to ride in Jeremy's truck, run  in the hills and curl up in his bed. Thanks to CAMPS for letting us come to PetSmart