Latest adoptions:
It has been a little over a year since I adopted
Tawny, who
Pooh Bear/Duke is training to do tricks with Opal's grandson.We are so sorry to hear that Duke passed away, he had the most loving parents Tom and Opal. Even though Caroline cannot see, she is so excited to train Taz with her parents.
A very big thank you to our Angel Donor Judy Grady for donating over $750 to our program in the last 2 years. A big thank you to Jeff in California for paying the $600 surgery bill for Littleman. We wish to thank our Superstar Volunteers that are always dependable, caring and hard working: Barbi and Maggie Rebecca and Jennifer The dogs couldn't get great homes without your dedication, great care and love. You are the dogs' Angels! Lisa and Matthew for getting your Kuma the hip replacement surgery he needed. He is as gorgeous as him mom Ginger. Remember the litter of 8 little puppies we rescued last summer. Kuma was so lucky to get such loving and responsible parents. He is also very well trained and socialized. You should be very proud! Thanks for supporting us at Dog Training Day! Rebecca thank you so much for the great Digital Camera with Smartcard you gave us for Christmas, and for setting up our new computer! Thanks to Judy Grady for your special contribution! Thanks Danielle for giving Skeeter a wonderful bath and Grooming, and for loving and holding him for Christmas. Congratulations from our volunteers for starting their own rescue: From Hawaii Aloha Denise: From
Julie in Gunnison who is not only training rescued dogs from Sanpete
Shelter but training kids in 4-H and starting a program like Save a Dog
& kIds. We are so proud of her. http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/wag-n-train.html
Thanks Dr. Daines of Spay/Neuter and Dr. Taylor at Brookside Animal Hospital for helping us save these dogs! Thanks to Dr. Law at Cottonwood Hospital for Helping Littleman and discounting $450 for his surgery to remove his leg. Free
Annual Boosters
Save A Dog & Kids Program wishes to bring puppies to 100's of less fortunate kids in Utah who would not only love to hold and train them, but who really need the friendship of a puppy. We need to write Grant Proposals to get the funding to do this great work. Please contact us at 801-808-4424 if you can help. After the puppies are trained, all set up with shots, microchip and Spay/Neuter, wonderful families all over the US are so grateful to take them into their family. |
The most recent adoptions are on our Adoptions Page
loves to have her
"Denise, Sophie(formerly
known as Heather) is doing great! We Thank you for saving her from the pound! Sincerely Jill and family
is doing GREAT!!! She is so smart.
on picture above and see Tau loves his new family in New Hampshire and they love him as this picture shows. 5 letters of reference that told us they were a great home for a rescued pup were right! Thanks Angela, Bob and kids. Denise
loved her visit with Tau's family when she delivered Princess and PK,
the new cats, to them this May 2002. New Hampshire is beautiful and
Angela's family is the best home of them all. Thanks you guys for
being so 09/06/02 Angela calls us to give us wonderful updates about the whole family, yesterday was Tau's Bday. Thanks Angela, you are a gem! Thanks Sanscrainte Family for my wonderful Birthday Dinner! You are like family to me. 12/2003 Wow, they have given a great home to two of our kittens. Did you see the cool Christmas card with Tau, now 2 yrs. old? Our Hearts go out to you for the loss of your longtime companion Kesia.
Ellie May showed her parents all she had learned with her foster trainer Cameron. She slept great in her crate in their room, and we gave them a lesson here in Utah before they drove back to Denver where she will start the League Rescue Clicker Training class next week. Bonjour!! "Ellie May has finished her first class and going onto advanced class...she has graduated from the crate and now in the kitchen area. She loves kids and we love her, thank you Save A Dog & Kids and Cameron for training her so well."
Dear Denise, I am not sure if you remember me. My name is K'lynn Girdlestone.I adopted a 11 month old, female great pyrenees from save a dog and kid, about year ago in aug. The dog name was icess and she was in really bad shape when you rescued her from the owner who was living in his car and dropped her off to you. Icess is doing great she just went to vet's last month and weighed in 110 pounds. Even the lady's at spay and neutered vet clinic could not believe it was the same dog. Icess had some problem but with training and the love of the breed we have worked through them. I and my family love her so very much. Icess has been a joy for me. i just wanted to thank you and if you ever come across another great pyreneed (male) with a need for love and kindness just let me know. thanks k'lynn
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