From her original mom: "Dear
You are the most wonderful caring, understanding loving person I have ever
Thank you ssssooo much for giving me hope. as I love my little babies & would
hate to ever have to part with them.
I must tell you about Lacy the Brussels, she is terrible with people So afraid
of them even with me. She doesn't come when called & hides from strangers. She
seems to like other dogs better than people. I was hoping when Sophia was gone
she might warm up to me. I bought her from my daughter who breeds, she was not
a good breeder so she let her go. She has been bred about 4 times & couldn't
have them without a doctor to take them. She is not fixed yet as I have been
waiting for the place that does it to come to this town. They were supposed to
set up at Cal Ranch a while back but never showed. I will pay for her to be
done plus shots if you will get it done.
She is no trouble at all its just that the three of them come out with me to
potty & sometimes she takes off & won't mind me when I call her back. She comes
back when she feels like it. But inside she is no trouble. Hardly even know she
is around except at feeding time & she is a pig. She is small with a short neck.
She is cute & I like to see her walk as it is so cute."
03/03/07"Denise, I just wanted to give you an upate on Sophia. You were right, she is very precious. She has settled in very nicely -- she is very curious about my cat (who hid under the bed for the first couple of days - but all is well now.) Pete is a little jealous but he is getting used to the idea that Sophia is here to stay and I noticed today on our walk when a dog when to sniff Sophia, Pete ran right over to make sure everything was OK. They both went to the groomers today -- Pete went for his normal cut and Sophia went to meet the groomer and get the feel of the place cause she will be spending time there every couple of months for her grooming. Linda tidied her little face up and she looks even more adorable. We're shopping tomorrow for a harness and a new sweater for her. They are both curled up in my office beside me sleeping peacefully. She is such a wonder addition to the family and I thank you so much for getting her to me. I will send pictures -- I gave them both a bubble bath in my big tub but forgot to take a picture! Next time.
Do you have any background information on Sophia, i.e. how many litters she has had, is she registered, and do you know her background or the name of the breeder. She looks very much like Linda's (the groomer) little shih Tzu so Linda was wondering if they may be related somehow.
Thanks again Denise -- and I tell as many people as I can about your website and explain the good work that you and others like you, do. Hope all is well and I'll touch base again soon. Judy"
No worries -- she was bundled up in a nice warm blanket after her bath and they both curled up in front of the fireplace where it was nice and warm.
She is loving our walks and is very curious about all the smells. he weather has been fairly nice the last few days -- we have no snow here so she doesn't have that to deal with. There have been no accidents in the house which surprises me a bit, but she seems to be on the same potty cycle that Pete is on. She does her business right away and then just enjoys the walk and smells. She gets a lot of attention from people because she is so tiny and she says her hellos and quickly gets back by my side. the first night here she slept "on" me but now she is a bit more relaxed and sleeps by my side (very close mind you). So I have her on one side, my cat on the other, and Pete prefers the foot of the bed -- not much room for anything or anybody else!
It's very sad that people have to give up their pets but very fotunate that there are people like you around to help them find a new home. It's a shame when elderly people have to go into a home that they can not take their pets -- I am sure that there could be a service that goes in on a daily basis to help them look after their pet, take them for walks, etc. We have to get better in this part of the world as far as allowing pets to remain with their owners - it is so much healthier for both. I would bet that opening a retirement home where the residents could keep their pets would be a big hit actually.
Anyway, enough of that, talk to you soon,"
you for sending me the good news about Sophia, It makes me feel so good knowing
how she is so loved where she is as she is such a loving dog.
I miss her so much.
I took the tiny one to the vets as she developed the cateract so fast I was
wondering if something had bumped it. He said sometines a cateract comes on them
fast. He pulled a tooth as I mentioned her breath being so bad. That has helped.
She is much smaller then Sophia. Now I have to soak her food as she has verry
few teeth.
Also I had the 3 groomed and something happened there as my older white dog was
acting funny and wouldn't eat for a few days. I kept sweaters on them and took
them off the other day & the groomer has cut into the tiny ones coat clear to
the meat.
I have tried calling the owner to let her know she has a groomer who is doing
bad things to the dogs brought there but who ever anserts the phone either isn't
giving her the message to call me or the owner is too busy to call me back.
But it upsets me to think some one would do this to a dog & not tell the owner.
I will never take them there again.
Any time you feel you have good homes for the three I have I will get them to
2 Shihtzus & 1 Brussels
Thanks again Angel Lady"
8 yr Purebred Black Shih Tzu female,
loving, calm, housetrained lives with
elderly woman who's health is failing
and can't keep.
finalized with Judy in VAncouver, BC.
was the most wonderful
traveling companion. She was calm and relaxed and so adorable in her little coat.
layed on my lap and looked out the window, but mostly slept on my lap.
a little angel that I treasure..
wonderful friend and fellow rescuer Lisa that adopted 14 yr old Bess from us
last year picked us up and brought us to her wonderful Pom home.
has little Bess' picture and ashes on her mantle. She loved her so and gave her
the best 6 mos of her entire life.
newest rescued Pom Helen is so happy there with the other POms.
is staying with Lisa and Casey, Helen and Hirshel.
little Casey was the pup of a National
Champion Show Pom, but because of this kind of breeding for the "perfect Pom" he
has trachial collapsing and LIsa is going to have number one expert surgeon in
the nation do a surgery of $5,000 or more to save his little life. He is so
lucky to have Lisa as his mom and he is the most adorable and lovable little
you LIsa and Rob for taking care of me, and taking Sophia up to Judy in Victoria
on the CLipper next week and doing the home visit and settling little Sophia
into her new home with Pete the 11 yr old Shih Tzu. We are grateful
to have such a dear friend take such good care of Sophia. She settled
right in with the other little Poms and loves Lisa.
More pictures coming of trip from Seattle to Victoria, B.C. from Lisa.