PureBacteria is an organic muck
reducer for ponds and lakes.
Comprised of beneficial bacteria,
pureBACTERIA naturally digests
decaying organic matter that make up
the muck layer in your pond.
At OrganicPond.com we blend strains
of naturally occurring beneficial
bacteria that are selected for their
dynamic enzyme production
capabilities. This blend produces
critical amylase, cellulase, lipase,
urease and protease, extracellular
enzymes essential to the degradation
of various organic compounds
including proteins, starches,
carbohydrates, cellulose, urine,
fats, oils, greases and other
organic substances. So fish waste,
decaying algae, leaves and other
organic matter are digested and the
nutrient load feeding weed and algae
growth is reduced.
Each lot of pureBacteria comes with
a guarantee
of stringent quality control
procedures that ensure high count,
viability, stability and safety.
The microbial strains are:
naturally occurring
environmentally safe