Update 06/13/07 (These letters mean the most to us, thanks Cami)
"Hi!! I am Cami S. This is the first dog I've ever had, but I will do whatever it takes to make Pippen happy. (Although I have a suspicion that we might spoil him.) He is such a sweat heart! Pippen follows me and sleeps on my bed. He play nips at my fingers when I rub him. Little Leloo annoys the heck out of him. He gives her a soft warning growl and she skitters away. We will send you some pictures soon!
I hope you don't miss him too much. It is hard when a dog goes away.
I know because our Maya dog died last year. I miss her so much that I still cry sometimes. I know Pippen misses you.
My email address is... I hope you write soon.
Update 06/08/07 "
Hi Denise.
I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that Pippen is doing great with the other dogs and with us. He is bonding with Cami fabulously. While I am home doing homework he will wait in Cami's room or at my feet for her to return from school, then he will follow her around. He does not seem scared at all anymore.
Leloo was sick for a couple days after the meatloaf disaster, both vomiting and diarrhea, but she is back to herself now. She and Pippen even play a little bit. After I cleaned Leloo's bum yesterday she was very frisky, as she always is after getting bathed, and she was teasing Pippen and he responded with some playfulness. It was really cute.
One note of concern, however. His cough is not gone, and I think it may be getting worse. He is usually fine, and then he gets a fit of coughing. Do you think he needs more antibiotics? If so, do you think that his vet in Utah can call them in to my vet? If needed, I will take him in to the vet, but if I would rather avoid an office visit if possible.
We had a lovely time with you last weekend and I learned a lot from you.
Thank you for everything,
From Foster family:
is a aprox. 6 yr old Black Pomeranian male
that is so sweet, loving, learning to love
other small dogs, housetrained, but still a
little scared little lover that gives kisses,
sits on your lap, sleeps on your bed angel.
His trailer dwelling family moved and tied him
to neighbors porch injured. He has had
medical check up and doing fine. He will
get shots, neuter, microchip and all necessary
medical attention he needs.
Yeah Clare in
Portland is adopting Pippen and flying us
there to spend 24 hrs with their family!
Thank you Clare and family, you were so nice and I know Pippen will be well
cared for and loved the rest of his life!
"Wow, what is that big Mountain in Oregon?"
Hood flying into Portland Pippen." (Pippen was so well behaved, quiet and calm
the entire flight.)
don't think we're in Utah anymore Pippen."
this is much greener!"
love all the red barns in the countryside."
is Leelo under her safe place. She is partly blind.
is Hunter, Pippen's new family has been fostering him since he was a kitten and
he is the friendliest kitty in the world.
just loves Pippen and will sleep with him every night.
loves Pippen too
what a perfect family picture, with Pippen and mom, Foxy and kitty with Cami and
Leilu with Mckinley.
liked Pippen right away.
Clare found out the hard way that it is better to fix your little female Pom because when she had her first litter, two died and Leilu was born partly blind, and Foxy got mamory cancer. She had her spayed and has all her pets spayed since.
Leelo is starting to come out of her safe place
and Leelo are best friends.
Foxy is twice as big as daughter Leelo
is fitting right in
Leelo started liking him by second day
one happy little family
to the airport, passing the Portland LDS Temple in the trees
Portland and Pippen! Thanks Clare for taking such good care of us.
who is that on the plane? "The Service Kitty Hunter of course! And he is
saying goodbye to Portland as he is the ambassador of the perfect companion
kitty on a flight."
Portland, thank you Clare and family, Have fun Pippen! Salt Lake City here I