Update 092707
Just wanted to let you know that Maxx is doing great. He and Sadie are starting to play more but he is not playing with any toys yet, the shadows are still his main focus. He is doing well with his walks and is really enjoying his regular brushing and knows what to do when he sees me get the brush out. The Veterinary visit was good and his heart worm test was negative and is now on prevention. He is doing very well during the day with his inside behavior and has found a comfortable spot under my desk for naps but still needs to be kenneled at night.
Hope all is well.
MAX is a 3yr old, gentle, submissive, loving, housetrained, great with other dogs purebred German Shephard who's family lost everything and could not keep him though it broke their hearts. He loves our dogs and though he misses his family, is settling in well. He is eating, playing, great in the house and is fascinated with shadows on the ground outside instead of the ball. He is very well behaved and sweet. Doesnt' have any bad manners and minds well.
He is gorgeous.
"IF you love GSDs and have a lifetime great GSD home,
please adopt me. I am not a guard dog, but a loving, lovable teddy bear."