The Amazing Performing Dog 'DB Cooper'
DB COOPER, 3 yr old Jack Russell/Pekingese mix little boy is a Prefessional Performer in need of a trainer/professional needing a Trick Trained Loving Dog. He has performed all summer 2002/2003 with the Kids Club, jumping his chairs, hoops, into Elizabeth's lap, and skateboarding. Last summer 2003 he learned to jump rope with 9 yr old twins Amanda and Holly in New York State to continue his repertoire of tricks. He needs to go to a mature adult with no boys, willing to keep training and socializing him with new people, kids and dogs, and who loves to continue his trick training and performing with our Kids Club or agility. He is very active and needs to do his tricks and learn more since he is so smart, but he needs to be very careful not to jump too high to injure his bowed little legs. He is tiny, but very adorable. He loves to ride in the car, go on trips, he tried walking into the lake with the other dogs last summer and he follows all the other dogs at the little dog park. Thank you Cindy for fostering him during the Holidays with Lucy your fly ball dog, sorry that he is too small and his legs can't do FLyball, but he can do so many more Cool Tricks!.