Ingrig from Finland came to cheer on the
Fins. She is a famous Classical and Ballroom Dancer. OTTO is so
is a Bomb Dog from San Diego here to protect the Athletes.
They are amazing, strong, and courageous.
Tuck of Canada
Team Marie, Denis and Raynald
It is great to speak French
and meet these amazing Athletes
Riboud won the Silver and his family from Lignes were so proud His neighbor came
to watch him and brought his cow bell.
American kids asked for
autographs of all the Athletes
Daniel Wesley, Scott
Patterson, Romain Riboud and Raynald Riu were so nice. It was fun hanging out
with all the athletes in between the races and getting the "Results
African Bruce Warner had his fan club.
Zealand also had great fans.
Germany's Martin Braxenthaler
Who took the Gold the day before in the Downhill, won the Gold in the Men's
LW10. He won 4 Gold Medals in all Alpine Events. Chris Waddell from Park City who took the Silver in the Downhill
just (.29 of a second slower than Martin), did not finish the Super G
race. We will watch for him in the Slalom and Giant Slalom.
They are all truelly inspiring!
Giant Slalom and Slalom are coming!
Denise collected the following Country's Paralympic Pins: USA, Canada, France, Italy plus Torino 2006 pin, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, CSD, Ukraine, China, Japan, Iran, Norway, New Zealand, Denmark, Russia, Australia, Finland, and the Canadian Sledge Hockey Team Pin, VISA Paralympic Alpine Skiing Pin and a few others I forgot where they came from. Thank you athletes of the world!
A look at Soldier Hollow Cross Country
Candace Cagle A California Girl Won Silver
Canadian Paralympic Athlete surrounded by kids wanting her autograph
The Western Experience is Great!
Rebecca was taking a lot of pictures (coming soon: Austrian Alpine Team, Juergen, Harald, Ukraine Athlete, Mina from Turkey and the Athlete Village)
The kids all wanted autographs and Denise helped the kids get to the Athletes.
Many kids from schools all over Utah are coming to these events.
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