Special Massages for dogs!
$100 Shopping Spree, Free Pet
Sitting, Free Dog Massage Visit, Free $50 Dog/Home Service, Free Dog Training
Session, Free Dog Toys, and More were Raffled off!
Thanks Debbie and Jeff for the
music, Kimosabe listens in the shade!
Kuma, one of the 8 German Shephard puppies we rescued the summer before and his
parents won the $100 Wild Oats Shopping Spree!
Everyone had fun in
the pool, in the shade and in the sun!
Thanks to our best Canine Friend Fox
with the Utah STARZZ for dropping in!
Our Kids Club Kids
show off their dogs' Tricks with help from proud parents!
proud new owners of last year's performing dogs show off their dogs'
tricks. Indy and Chance still have it!
Dog Contests, Dog
Massages, Dog Swimming, What more can a Dog ask For? Except a great day with his
Best Little Friend!
Back to What OUr Kids Program is all about!