"Denise, I am sure he will be the mario andretti of the doggie wheel set very soon! the video show great promise < grin> his sweetness is quite apparent in seeking out your doggie with cancer... it is amazin how they "know"and stay close to one who needs special love n caring Perhaps ... this is why she was brought to you to ease the journey of the other pooch ? a mission well served ..his own kind of therapy be well...... Karen San Diego, CA"
Thank you Lori in Seattle for donating the K-9 Cart Wheels for Binky!
You are the Pom's Angel. Come see video of his first trial with cart Click on Binky's First Day
on Cart.
BINKY a 5 lb senior little Pomeranian was just rescued through our Little Dog Angel Network in LA CA shelter. Thanks to Jeanine of Bichons and Buddies, Naomi and Richard Our OC volunteers that picked him up from clinic in Venice Beach and drove him down to San Diego to our foster mom Deb who also rescues little dogs. Thanks to all. From his foster mom: "Mr.. Binky is absolutely cute as a bug! He is actually even cuter than I thought he might be...he isn't skinny so don't worry about that, but he does have a cough and a sneeze. He ate some chicken last evening and slept very well...He also walked around with trouble but seems OK. I am a bit worried about his health -- he DOES seem fragile" Thank you to all our rescue friends: Jeanine of Bichons and Buddies in LA for pulling him and boarding him for us, Naomi and husband for picking him up, Ariel for driving him down to our Foster in San Diego, and Deborah for taking care of him for a week plus till our new driver Karen, Retired SDPD, who reallly was great to pick him, his paperwork and driving him to OC, and our friend CHarisse, who's Pom we love to babysit, that brought him here to Utah for us. HE gives kisses and is so trusting, and happy considering his back legs wont' hold him up. WE ARE ASKING ALL POM LOVERS TO PLEASE HELP US RAISE THE FUNDS TO HAVE BOTH PATELLAS OPERATED ON SO HE CAN STAND UP WITHOUT FALLING AND LIVE. OUT HIS LIFE THE WAY HE DESERVES. "Thank you I have fallen again and I can’t get back up." I am so appreciative and loving and give kisses when you pick me up. WIth GLucosamine and Flax Seed oil, I am walking better and so much better now. "He's adorable but I have way too many animals of my own and it would be irresponsible to take on anymore but I try to do what I can to help those in need. Years ago, I found a little dog in the pouring rain who couldn't move. I went to the door of the house to tell them about their puppy and they didn't make a move to help him and shut the door. I stood there for a minute and then scooped him up and took him to the vet. It wasn't good news and I opted to have the little sweetie euthanized. I have always regretted that...........didn't know about the carts then and I thought his life would be too hard. So, I thought in some way, this could honor that little boy." Binky's Cart is on its way, thank you Lori. Thank you Jane SEnior Pom wonderful home for senior dogs for offering to take Binky in!! You would always look online around the country for senior Poms to have us rescue.